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#511 : Veux-tu m' épouser ?

Le lendemain de l'explosion, Michael est toujours à l'hôpital. Un médecin rassure tout le monde en disant que celui-ci est sorti d'affaire. Ben et Debbie tiennent tous deux à rester pour le veiller. Par ailleurs, Brian revoit l'ordre de ses priorités après l'explosion au Babylon. Il tient plus que tout à Justin et lui propose de l'épouser. Mais Justin refuse. Il lui dit qu'il lui demande cela simplement parce qu'il a eu peur à cause de l'explosion. Mais Brian n'en reste pas là. Il fait appel à Jennifer pour vendre son loft et décide d'acheter un véritable manoir. Jennifer lui dit que ce n'est pas le meilleur moment pour vendre et elle apprend que Brian a demandé son fils en mariage. Elle lui dit qu'elle est déçue de savoir qu'il ne sera pas son gendre. Par ailleurs, Emmett est terrorisé et n'ose plus sortir de chez lui. Quant à Ted, il se sent coupable de ce qui est arrivé à Michael et n'ose pas se rendre à l'hôpital pour le voir. Mélanie et Lindsay décident de mettre de côté tous leurs différends et de se remettre ensemble. Elles décident de faire appel à Dusty pour garder les enfants mais apprennent que Dusty est décédée dans l'explosion. Pour les deux jeunes femmes, c'est un véritable choc ! Une veillée a lieu à l'occasion de ce drame et au moment où Debbie vient dire quelques mots au sujet de son fils, des gens viennent gâcher la veillée en criant à Debbie que "son fils aurait du mourir car les homosexuels méritent de mourir !" Hors de lui, Ben perd le contrôle et casse littéralement la figure de l'homme qui vient de crier ces paroles. D'autre part, Hunter est de retour après avoir entendu ce qu'il s'était passé. Mais il veut repartir. C'est une discussion avec Debbie qui le persuade de rester pour de bon avec Ben et Michael. Ce dernier se réveille finalement entouré de ceux qui l'aiment... Brian emmène Justin dans le manoir qu'il vient d'acheter et avoue à Justin que c'est pour eux qu'il l'a fait. Touché par la démarche de Brian d'avoir vendu son loft et acheté le manoir sans savoir si sa réponse serait positive ou non, Justin est convaincu des sentiments de Brian et accepte de l'épouser.


4.5 - 6 votes

Titre VO
"Fuckin' Revenge"

Titre VF
Veux-tu m' épouser ?

Première diffusion


I'n not being ridicolous!

I'n not being ridicolous!


Plus de détails

Script par : Brad Fraser
Histoire par : Ron Cowen - Daniel Lipman - Brad Fraser
Réalisé par : David Wellington

Casting secondaire:

Matt Battaglia (Drew Boyd), Stephanie Moore  (Cynthia), Craig Sandy (Doctor Ryan), Craig Haas (Student) , Jason Murray (Student) ,Lindsay Ames (Student) ,Tim Doiron (Student)
April Hoyt (Nurse)  ,Adam David (Contractor), Brian Kaulback (Fowler)

L'explosion du Babylon a fait 4 morts et 67 blessés. Après avoir rêvé de son propre enterrement Brian est hanté par le bombardement du Babylon. Il a de nouvelles priorités, et il assomme Justin en le demandant en mariage ! Bien qu'il apprécie l'offre, Justin refuse poliment, sachant que l'homme qui a décrié le mariage reviendra par la suite sur sa proposition.

Michael récupère peu à peu ses forces à l'hôpital. Il n'y a pas que Ben et Debbie à son chevet quand il se réveille mais aussi Hunter qui quand il a entendu parler de l'explosion est aussitôt revenu. Plus tard, Debbie devenue qu'Hunter n'est pas seulement là en visite, il espère que Ben et Mickael lui demande de revenir chez eux. Ted ne sait pas rendu au chevet de Mickael. En effet, il a demande à Mickael de se rendre au bar pour lui et c'est là où la bombe a été déposée, il se sent coupable et responsable

Emmett est paralysé par un sentiment d'abandon depuis l'explosion et ne parvient pas à quitter la maison. Carl l'encourage à se rendre utile et à aider les victimes. Lors d'une manifestation pour la paix à Liberty Avenue où toute la bande est présente, Ben le pacifiste entend avec horreur que me révérend injurie les victimes de la bombe et que cela est arrivé à cause leurs choix sexuels hors normes. Quand il dit qu'il souhaite que Michael meurt parce qu'il a péché Ben le frappe au visage et une émeute s'ensuit. Brian sort Ben de la bagarre alors que la police arrive. Drew vient soutenir Emmett et aide les victimes.

Ted parvient à rendre visite à Mickael qui a demandé à le voir.

Mélanie et Lindsay  sont dévastés par la mort de leur ami Dusty dans l'explosion. Après les funérailles Mélanie pense que sa famille n'est plus en sécurité à Pittsburgh.

Justin, avec désinvolture, dit Brian qu'il est content pour le moment de rester dans son appartement minuscule en attendant d'acquérir le manoir de ses rêves. Plus tard, Brian amène Justin en voiture et il lui montre un manoir style anglais avec cours de tennis... Quand Justin demande à qui est la maison, Brian répond à "nous ". Il a vendu le Babylon et son loft pour acheter la maison dont rêvait Justin le croit et décide d'accepter.


Script VO 511


[ Inside a church ]


Brian enters and moves forward in the central path … All the « family » is here . Well … almost all of the family : Emmett, Justin, Melanie, Lindsay, Debbie, Ben, Hunter … But not Michael … Everybody is stricken .

Brian walks slowly, gives in passing a token of affection to Debbie, then to Ben, as far as the still open coffin at the bottom of the altar …

But it’s not Michael inside the coffin !...He is !... )

Michael : Poor Brian !...

 Noise of the lid that slam shut . )

_ _ _


[ CUT TO : Int. of the « Babylon » ]

Brian wakes up with a start. He’s sitting on the floor, back on the wall .

 [  voice-over :  Man 1  :  Bag all the nails .

Man 2 :  So just blow it out right here, right ? ]

Ted is approaching . )

Ted :  It was a bomb … Someone  …  planted a bomb !...

Carl Horvarth enters and moves forward as far as them … )

 [ voice-over :  Man 1 :  Well, I got the doorman, I got the bartender … ]

Horvath clears throat )

Carl  ( to Brian ) Ted tell you ?

Brian  in a strangle voice  ) How many people ?

Carl : Four dead. Sixty - seven wounded . Eleven of them critical …  [ Sighs ]  It’s a hell of a thing . Not something I ever expected to happen in Pittsburgh !

Brian : What about Michael ?

Ted In a low voice, hanging his head ) :  … Michael …

Carl : I spoke to Debbie minutes ago. He’s still in surgery.

Ted : Any idea who did it ?

Carl : No .

Brian : Obviously someone who didn’t care [ He picks up a flyer on the floor  ]  for « Stop Prop 14 » !

Carl : We prefer if you didn’t touch anything . We’re interviewing everyone who worked here . I’m gonna need statements from you two as well … And a copy of the guest list

Ted : Not a problem …

Carl : Why don’t you two go home ?

Carl goes out . A photographer takes prints . Ted takes notes on a little pad … )

 [ Brian clears throat ]

Brian he stands up  ) : Come on, let’s stop by the hospital . See if there’s an update …

Ted : Uh … you go . I’ve got too much to do here . I gotta …  [ sights ] … get that list for the cops . Gotta call the insurance company . Get some estimates, how much it’s gonna cost to rebuild ….

Brian : Ted !... it’s 7 a.m. !...

Long silence … Ted’s turning his back on Brian, shaking his head … )

_ _ _ _ _


[ CUT TO : Int. of the hospital ]

 ( DebbieBen and Justin are sitting in the waiting room, silently and anxious …

 [ voice-over : Nurse ( in intercom ) : « Nurse Grayson, to X-ray Lab 2 »  

Behind Justin, Emmett is pacing up and down …  )

Debbie : Em, honey, would you sit down altready ?

Emmett : Sorry !...

Debbie  she stands up  ) : Why doesn’t somebody tell us something ?

Ben : They will . Soon as there’s something to tell .

Justin : Can I get you anything from the cafeteria ? Coffee, a muffin ?

Debbie : No, thanks, Sunshine !... Think something’s wrong ? That’s why they haven’t said anything ?

Ben : Don’t go there ! Please, sit down !

 ( Brian enters  )

[ nurse ( on intercom ) : « Dr. Chan, to Hematology . Dr. Chan, to Hematology … » ]

Brian : Any word ?

Justin : We’re still waiting .

Debbie : Yeah, we’ve gotten real good at that !

Emmett : Some of us have . Others not so much …

Debbie  to Brian ) : Did you talk to Carl ? Did he said anything ?

Brian :  Uh, he said that he loves you and that he wishes he was here … and that it was a bomb .

Emmett : Oh, my God !

Brian : What did you think ?

Debbie  angry ) : What sick fuck would do something like that ?

Justin : The kind that went to Shepard’s funerals with signs saying : « Your son’s burning in hell ! ». The kind we saw driving down Liberty Avenue with a bullhorn shouting their hate slogans ! The kind that support Proposition 14 !

         [ cartoon playing on TV .A young kid stands up and press a button of the television set : a violent bomb blast appears on the screen .

         Woman ( voice-over ) : « Tommy, leave it alone ! »

         Emmett stands up . ]

 Emmett : I have to go …

 Debbie : Honey ?

 Emmett : I’ll be at home . Call me as soon as you hear anything .

             ( He goes out )

 Debbie : The whole world’s gone crazy ! The whole fucking world !

A doctor moves forward, visibly tired … Ben stands up promptly )

 Ben : Dr. Ryan !

 Dr. Ryan : We had to remove his spleen . There was also a lot of internal bleeding, as we suspected . But we managed to stop it .

 Debbie : Will he be all right ?

 Dr. Ryan : I’m cautiously optimistic . I think he’ll be fine .

Laughs ]

 Debbie : Thank you, God !... I told him he’d better look after Michael !

 Ben : Can we see Michael ?

 Dr. Ryan : He’s in recovery now . He’ll be sleeping for most of the day . Why don’t you all go home and get some rest ?

he goes out  )

  Ben : Uh …

Ben sits down . Justin stands up )

 Justin : Why don’t we all go home and get some rest ?

 Debbie : I’m gonna stick around for a while .  ( to Ben  )  Why don’t you go, honey, huh ? Takke a shower . Don’t you have a class ?

 Ben : Oh, God ! No, I couldn’t . What if he wakes up ?

 Debbie : The doctor said he’s gonna be sleeping most of the day. There’s no point iin the two of us sitting here !

  Brian  to Ben  ) : Better listen to what she says. God did !

[ voice-over :  Lindsay :  « That’s wonderful ! » ]

_ _ _ _ _


[ CUT TO :  The « Happy Fun House » ]

Melanie’s giving J.R. to eat while Lindsay’s talking into the phone )

  Lindsay :  … you must be so relieved . We’re all relieved !... We’ll be by later . Do you need anything ? Well, be sure to take care of yourself . That’s important too . Bye !  ( to Mel  ) Michael’s gonna be all right !

 Melanie :  Ah !...

 Lindsay :  They expect a full recovery .

 Melanie :  Thank, God … Oh, oops !...  ( she spits out over her right then left shoulder )

 Lindsay :  What are you doing ?

  Melanie :  I don’t wanna put a « kenah norah » on it . ( to J.R. ) : Did you hear that, sweetie ? Daddy’s gonna be as good as new !  ( to Linds ) : You know … I realized something when I woke up this morning …

 Lindsay :  Oh, yeah ? What’s that ?

 Melanie :  That I wanna see your face first thing every day for the rest of my life ! 

 Lindsay  approaching ) :  Yours too .

 Gus :  Mommy, I want my breakfast !

 Lindsay :  Oh, sorry !  The master wants his banana !

[ both laugh and kiss . Both moaning ]

 Melanie :  We should go to the hospital .

 Lindsay :  Why don’t we stop by this afternoon ?

 Melanie :  Maybe Dusty can watch the kids ?  ( she stands up for calling )

       [ J.R. cooing ]

       [  Gus ( in voice-over ) :  « Mommy !... » ]

 Lindsay :  It’s coming !

 Melanie  in the phone  ) :  Hey, Marie ! It’s Mel . Is Dusty there ? … What’s wrong ? … Oh, God !...

 Lindsay  whispers ] :  What ?... What is it ?

 Melanie  in the phone ) :  We didn’t know … We didn’t hear anything, so we just assumed everything was okay … I … We’ll be over as soon as we can … okay .

 Lindsay :  What ?

 Melanie :  Dusty, she, uh … She was one of the …

 Lindsay :  Oh, God !... Oh …

_ _ _ _ _ _ _


[ Kinnetik’s Agency ]

       ( Cynthia comes in, Brian behind her )

 Cynthia :  Thank God my mother has congestive heart failure ! Well, if I didn’t have to be with her, I would have been there last night !

  Brian :  Oh … Is everyone present and accounted for ?

  Cynthia :  Except for Phil from the Art Department . He got trampled on when everyone was trying to get out . Broken hip . He’ll be laid out for a month .

 Brian :  I’ll give him a call . And send some food and porn .

 Cynthia :  The basic essentials !

    [ She goes out . Ted enters ]

 Ted :  Jesus, Brian ! what are you doing here ? You should be at home getting some shuteye !

 Brian :  I tried .

  Ted :  You’ll be happy to know that I submitted a claim to the insurance company . I’ve spoken with three coctractors, they’re submitting bids . And the building inspector’s checking to make sure the structure’s sound . ( gets ready for going out )

   Brian :  Aren’t you forgetting something ?  [ Ted turns around  ]  Are you gonna ask how Michael is ?

  Ted : Right . I was just about to !...

 Brian :  He made it through surgery . He’s gonna be all right .

   Ted :  Well, that’s, uh … That’s great news !...

  Brian :  So, why don’t you put the estimates and the contractors and the inspectors on hold for a minute, haul your ass down to the hospital ?

  Ted :  You’ll have to bring bouquets without me since I’m trying to make sure you get your business back up and running . For which, by the way, I don’t expect a thank you . If you’ll excuse me … I put a call into Dussendorf’s Plumbing about a broken water main .[ He sits down, catchs the phone ]  Klaus ! Hi !... Sorry to keep you on hold so long !...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _


[ A lecture hall at the University ]

-     Student # 1 : Does anybody know who did it ?
-     Student # 2 : Some lunatic .
-     Student # 3 : Or Jerry Falwell .
-     Student # 2 : Isn't that i just said ?

         ( Professor Ben Bruckner enters, opening the door violently )

-     Ben : I, uh, assume you're all aware of what happened last night !
-     Student # 1 : Yeah, the entire world's aware of it . It was on CNN .
-     Ben : All right . In that case , I think we should forego discussing the homosexual subtext in the works of Willa Cather and focus instead on how we respond to hate crimes and acts of violence .
-     Student # 2 : I'll tell you how . We do to them what they did to us .
-     Student # 4 : What does « eye for eye » do ? There'll be blind fools running around .
-     Student # 1 : We're fighting for our lives .
-     Student # 2 : Every time some priest or politician stats spouting off about how homosexuality's immoral or a sin they give permission to attack us .
-     Student # 4 : Wanna stoop to their level ?
-     Student # 1 : Drag Queens at Stonewall weren't when they stood up the cops .
-     Ben : Freedom has to be fought for . But I believe our weapons should be reason . Compassion .
-     Student # 2 : The compassion they showed us last night ?
-     Student # 3 : You can afford the enlightened way, Professor Bruckner . You teach at university, make a good salary, you could even pass for straight .
-     Student # : You live in a bubble . Nothing can touch you .
-     Ben : My partner … my husband … was critically injuried last night in the bombing . He nearly died . If I live in a bubble, it just burst !

- - - - - - -

[ CUT TO : Debbie's ]

( TV screen : shots of a black and white movie )

Man [ on TV ] : « Hey, you ! Comme on, if you want a ride ! »

( Emmett's looking at the TV while eating pudding . Drew's coming down the stairs )

- Drew : Hey, come jogging with me . Five miles . [ snickers ] Okay . Make it two . It'll do you good ! Exercise always makes me feel better .
- Emmett : I am exercising . See ? ( he pours some syrup into his pudding ) When I was a boy and the world was dark and gloomy, which was pretty much every day, Aunt Lulah would make me vanilla pudding with maple syrup. How I kept my figure, I'll never know . But it always cheered me up .
- Drew : They asked me to say a few words tonight . At the candlelight vigil .
- Emmett : Yeah . You turned them down ?
- Drew : I said yes . Why so surprised ?
- Emmett : What you said about being a professional fag .
- Drew : This has nothing to do with being gay or straight . It's about being a human being .

( Carl enters )

- Carl : Men .
- Emmett : That's us .
- Drew : I'm glad Debbie's son's gonna be okay .
- Carl : It's a relief for all of us . It's been a rough night .
- Emmett : There's plenty of pudding .
- Carl : I'll pass . I'm gonna shower and grab a quick nap and head over to the hospital .

[ Man on TV ] : « What's your name ?
- You can call me Vera, if you like .
- You live in Los Angeles ? »

- Drew : So, how about coming with me to the vigil ?
- Emmett : Actually, I don't think so .
- Drew : Then you'll meet up ?
- Emmett : Actually, I'm not going .
- Drew : Actually, you should . It is to honor those killed or injuried .
- Emmett : I know what it's for . I prefer to stay here .
- Drew : Eating your pudding ?
- Emmett : You go . Tell me all about it .

- - - - - - -

[ CUT TO : The Hospital ]

- Ben : The deal was that we'd take turns . You know, first you, then me . Well, you've had your turn, so go home and get some sleep .
- Debbie : All right . I'm going ...
- Ben : Good .
- Debbie : … in a few minutes .

[ sighs ]

- Ben : All right, then at least let me get you some soup .
- Debbie : That would be nice . Chicken noodle if they have it . Here, let me give you some money .
- Ben : I can afford to buy you a cup of soup .
- Debbie : Make it a bowl … You know, I was … I was, um ...I was just sitting here thinking the last time he was in the hospital . He was 8 years old . Had to have his tonsils out . Scared shitless .
- Ben : Ha .
- Debbie : And, uh, I brought him one of those … those little flashlights you know, on the end of a keychain .
- Ben : Oh, yeah .
- Debbie : And … we turned it on right before he was wheeled into surgery . I told him it would keep him safe .
- Ben : And he believed that ?
- Debbie : Of course, not . But it took his mind off things .
- [ voice-over ] : « So, where's my flashlight ? »
- Debbie : Sweetheart !
- Ben : Hey, baby !
- Debbie : You scared the shit out of us .
- Ben : Mm . But the doctor said you're gonna be fine .
- ( Michaël ) : That's good . Wha … what happened ?
- Debbie : Some lunatic planted a fucking bomb !
- Ben : Let's not talk about that now . You just rest .
- Debbie : Yeah . Yeah, Ben's right . You've been through a lot . You get better, that's all that matters . And we're gonna be right here with you . [ to Ben ] : So, where in the hell's that soup you were promising me ?

[ Ben kisses Michaël ]

- Ben : Be right back, brown eyes .

[ He opens the door to go out ... ]

- Hunter : Well, don't look so surprised !...

- - - - - - -

[ CUT TO : Justin's studio ]

- Brian : I love how you've kept the original details !... Rusty pipes … filthy windows … grime-covered walls ...
- Justin : It may not be the country manor of my dreams with stables and a pool, but at least it's mine !... You hungry ?
- Brian : What do you got ?
- Justin : I don't .
- Brian : Then why did you ask ?
- Justin : I can go get something ...
- Brian : Spare yourself the trip !... I just stopped by to see if you were all right
- Justin : I'm fine, thanks .
- Brian : Good … I thought if anyone would come through all this unruffled, it ' d be you !...
- Justin : When I was bashed, I found out that the best way to survive to go on, is to make something : a painting, a napkin - holder ...It doesn't matter . Just so that you can prove to yourself and to them that they didn' t get you, you' re still here !...
- Brian : Well, I ' m glad you are .
- Justin : Ha !... [ Brian grabs Sunshine ] Brian ! You're gonna get paint all over you !
- Brian : Doesn't matter !... Did you hear what I said to you last night ? 
- Justin : Yes, I heard . You said you love me .
- Brian : Then, what about marrying me ?

[ snickers ]

- Justin : What ? [ he laughs ] Stop being ridiculous !
- Brian : I'm not being ridiculous !... I mean it .
- Justin : You don't mean it ! How could Mr « I Believe-in-Fucking-Not-Love » mean it ? You detest marriage ! You detest anybody who enters into an imitation heterosexual union that by its very nature is doomed to fail !... Did I get that right ?
- Brian : Hmm … word perfect . But I changed my mind .
- Justin : Well, so have I ! I have no intention of marrying someone who by his very nature is doomed to fail . Besides, you're asking me because you're freaked out about what happened to Michael !...
- Brian : Well, I did have this dream … I was at his funeral, but he wasn't in the coffin ... I was !
- Justin : There ! You see ?... Now, as soon as life returns to normal, so will you ! Back from the dead !...
- Brian : Not without you !
- Justin : I know you too well ! Way too well !... Well, thank you for saying it, but the answer 's « no » !...

- - - - - - -

[ CUT TO : the Hospital ]

bie : Disney World ? You went to fucking Disney World ?

Michael  murmuring Let him talk, Ma ...

Ben : Yeah, Deb, let him talk !

Debbie : Fine . I'll just feed you and keep my mouth shut !

Hunter : When I was a kid, I'd ask my mom to take me . She'd say : « Sure, honey, next summer ! ». But we never went . So, I

took myself and hitched .

Debbie :  You hitched ?

Ben : Ahem .

Hunter : You'll be happy to know I didn't blow any of the drivers !...

Michael : You're a good boy .

Nurse : I'll, um … I'll check in on you later …


she goes out ]


Debbie : That's the last we'll see of her !

Ben : I'm glad you got to Disney World .

Hunter : I even got a job there !

Ben : Doing what ?

Hunter : I was a dwarf .

Debbie : You were a dwarf ?

Hunter : Dopey . I was pretty good at it too . I'm thinking maybe I'll become an actor ....

Michael : You can be anything you want . Right after you become a doctor .

Debbie : Now it's my turn . You just lie there and keep your mouth shut .

Hunter : Anyway, when I saw the news about Babylon, I tried calling, but no answer . I called Eli and Monty . They told me what

happened . I got the first plane I could … [ short time of silence ] You're gonna be all right, aren't you ?

Michael murmuring ] : Now that you're here …


- - - - -


[ CUT TO : Debbie's ]


Carl : You still silling there, eating pudding ?

Emmett : I made a big batch … [ Announcer – on TV – for « Classic Afternoon Movies » : « Sorry, Wrong Number » … Starring Barbara Stanwyck ... ] … Did you see « Sorry, Wrong Number », starring Miss Barbara Stanwyck ?

Carl : Can't say I did.

Emmett : She keeps getting phone calls from someone who wants to kill her .

Carl : It's her husband .

Emmett : I thought you never saw it !

Carl : If I can't solve a Hollywood movie, I should retire !...

Emmett : She never leaves her bed and wears a fabulous peignoir .

Carl : Yeah, I can see why it appeals to you !... [ he approaches Emmett ] Why don't you get dressed and come see Michael, with me ? He's awake .

Emmett : Thank God … But it's not good for him to have too many visitors … [ Carl looks at him ] Why are you looking at me like that ?

Carl : As someone who's questionned thousands of suspects . You're about the worst liar I've ever heard !

Emmett : All right, Miss Marple . I confess !... I can get off the fucking couch !... [ sighs ] The thought of leaving the house terrifies me …

Carl : You're in shock . [ Horvath sighs ] I've seen it happen time and time again.

Emmett : So, what am I gonna do, live my life in seclusion ? Jumping out of my skin every time I hear a noise ? [ The phone rings ] Case in point.

Carl ( in the phone ) : Hello ?... Yeah. Hi, honey. No, I'm leaving right now … [ Pub on TV : « WHITER HEALTHIER TEETH in 28 DAYS  GUARANTEED  » ]

in voice-over ) : I'll see you in a bit .


He hangs up and moves forward Emmett ]


[ Announcer on TV : « And now, back to our feature presentation « Sorry, Wrong Numbae » ... » ]


Carl sits down ]


Carl : Let me tell you about this Kid on the force … He didn't just wanna be a cop. He had to be « Supercop » !... His first day on the beat, he's dealing with this run of the mill, domestic quarrel. Suddenly, the husband takes out a gun … and shoots his wife and his little girl right before his eyes. Next day, « Super cop » can't get out of bed. Literally, he couldn't move his arms or his legs.

Emmett : I know the feeling.

Carl : So he just laid there like that until this brilliant realization came over him … Bad things happen. And just because it's supposed to be your job to prevent them, sometimes you can't. All he could do was live his life each day. That's all he dad. That's all he had any control over.

Emmett : So did he finally get out of bed ?


a bit of silence ]


Carl : Yeah … I did … I got out of bed and I went to work. And every day since then, I've thanked God for one more day and I pray that i don't waste it.


- - - - -


[ CUT TO : The « Babylon » ]


Contractor : It looks worse than it is. Mostly superficial damage. Strucrurally, the building's sound.

Ted : That's a relief. So how much are we looking at and how long ?

Contractor : I'd say roughly a hundred grand and four to six weeks.

Ted : Let me run it past the boss, I'll get back to you.

Contractor : All right ! ( They shake their hand )


Ted walks through the debris ... ]


Worker # 1 [ in voice-over, ] : Yeah, that's still solid.

Brian : Would you look at that ? ( he unearthed an intact bottle of Whisky )

Worker # 2 in voice-over ] : Jim, is that a load-bearing wall, this one here ?

Worker # 1 : Yeah, that one and ...

Brian : Must be my lucky day ...

Ted : Well, that's only the beginning. The contractor told me that « Babylon » will be back on its feet in no time with insurance money left over to put in that new sound system.

Brian : That's good news ..

Ted : mm !...

Brian : … Except I've decided not to reopen the club.

Ted : What ?

Brian : « Babylon », it's history.

Ted : But it's your baby, it's your toy ! Your personal playground !

Brian : Now it's a battleground.

Ted : So, what are you gonna do with it ?

Brian : You said there are developers who wanna tear it down. Put up a minimall.

Teed : And you said you'd sooner die than see our happy, home home homogenized !...

Brian : Enough people have already died ! [ inaudible voices-over ] Anyway … Who'd pay 20 bucks to dance to the memory of bombs and corpses ?... ( He's going to go out, when he turns over ) … See you at the vigil.

Ted : Huh ?

Br'ian : The vigil tonight ? See you there.

Ted : Oh, yeah, sure !...


Brian goes out ]


- - - - - - -


[ CUT TO : The « Diner » ]


Lindsay : A meatlof, a rotisserie chiken, mixed vegetrabes, roasted potatoes, a quart of fruit salad and a dozen lemon bars. And that goes to Dusty. I mean, to Marie Logan. Here's the address.

Barmaid : Yeah.

Melanie : I'm not the one to be in denial, since I'm always expecting the worst anyway. But this ? I just … I can't believe Dusty's dead, Michael was nearly killed, not to mention all the others.

Justin : I know.

Melanie : It's just not sinking in.

Justin : Give it time.

Melanie : To be hysterical ? Fall apart ? I can hardly wait.

[ Gus : inaudible words ]

Lindsay : Food's sent. At least that'll be one less thing Marie will have to deal with.


Melanie, with J.R. In her arms, and Justin stand up. Justin helps Gus to slip on his jacket ]


Melanie : You know what she told me ? She has no legal rights to those kids. If Prop 14 passes, she won't be allowed to adopt them. ( She lays J.R. down into her pram. The baby gives a whine ) State could even take them away from her.

Lindsay : God …

Justin in voice-over ] : It's a good thing …

… you are both Gus and J.R.'s legal parents.

Melanie : See how long before they try and take away third-parent adoption.

Lindsay : All I can think about is, what if it had been us ? How would you feel, knowing we'd wasted the last year we'd ever have, unreconciled and apart.

Justin : The good news is that didn't happen.

Melanie : We realized what we'd lost before it was oo late.


she kisses Lindsay ]


- - - - - - -


[ CUT TO : Brian's Loft

Debbie : Disney World ? You went to fucking Disney World ?

Michael  murmuring Let him talk, Ma ...

Ben : Yeah, Deb, let him talk !

Debbie : Fine . I'll just feed you and keep my mouth shut !

Hunter : When I was a kid, I'd ask my mom to take me . She'd say : « Sure, honey, next summer ! ». But we never went . So, I

took myself and hitched .

Debbie :  You hitched ?

Ben : Ahem .

Hunter : You'll be happy to know I didn't blow any of the drivers !...

Michael : You're a good boy .

Nurse : I'll, um … I'll check in on you later …


she goes out ]


Debbie : That's the last we'll see of her !

Ben : I'm glad you got to Disney World .

Hunter : I even got a job there !

Ben : Doing what ?

Hunter : I was a dwarf .

Debbie : You were a dwarf ?

Hunter : Dopey . I was pretty good at it too . I'm thinking maybe I'll become an actor ....

Michael : You can be anything you want . Right after you become a doctor .

Debbie : Now it's my turn . You just lie there and keep your mouth shut .

Hunter : Anyway, when I saw the news about Babylon, I tried calling, but no answer . I called Eli and Monty . They told me what

happened . I got the first plane I could … [ short time of silence ] You're gonna be all right, aren't you ?

Michael murmuring ] : Now that you're here …


- - - - -


[ CUT TO : Debbie's ]


Carl : You still silling there, eating pudding ?

Emmett : I made a big batch … [ Announcer – on TV – for « Classic Afternoon Movies » : « Sorry, Wrong Number » … Starring Barbara Stanwyck ... ] … Did you see « Sorry, Wrong Number », starring Miss Barbara Stanwyck ?

Carl : Can't say I did.

Emmett : She keeps getting phone calls from someone who wants to kill her .

Carl : It's her husband .

Emmett : I thought you never saw it !

Carl : If I can't solve a Hollywood movie, I should retire !...

Emmett : She never leaves her bed and wears a fabulous peignoir .

Carl : Yeah, I can see why it appeals to you !... [ he approaches Emmett ] Why don't you get dressed and come see Michael, with me ? He's awake .

Emmett : Thank God … But it's not good for him to have too many visitors … [ Carl looks at him ] Why are you looking at me like that ?

Carl : As someone who's questionned thousands of suspects . You're about the worst liar I've ever heard !

Emmett : All right, Miss Marple . I confess !... I can get off the fucking couch !... [ sighs ] The thought of leaving the house terrifies me …

Carl : You're in shock . [ Horvath sighs ] I've seen it happen time and time again.

Emmett : So, what am I gonna do, live my life in seclusion ? Jumping out of my skin every time I hear a noise ? [ The phone rings ] Case in point.

Carl ( in the phone ) : Hello ?... Yeah. Hi, honey. No, I'm leaving right now … [ Pub on TV : « WHITER HEALTHIER TEETH in 28 DAYS  GUARANTEED  » ]

in voice-over ) : I'll see you in a bit .


He hangs up and moves forward Emmett ]


[ Announcer on TV : « And now, back to our feature presentation « Sorry, Wrong Numbae » ... » ]


Carl sits down ]


Carl : Let me tell you about this Kid on the force … He didn't just wanna be a cop. He had to be « Supercop » !... His first day on the beat, he's dealing with this run of the mill, domestic quarrel. Suddenly, the husband takes out a gun … and shoots his wife and his little girl right before his eyes. Next day, « Super cop » can't get out of bed. Literally, he couldn't move his arms or his legs.

Emmett : I know the feeling.

Carl : So he just laid there like that until this brilliant realization came over him … Bad things happen. And just because it's supposed to be your job to prevent them, sometimes you can't. All he could do was live his life each day. That's all he dad. That's all he had any control over.

Emmett : So did he finally get out of bed ?


a bit of silence ]


Carl : Yeah … I did … I got out of bed and I went to work. And every day since then, I've thanked God for one more day and I pray that i don't waste it.


- - - - -


[ CUT TO : The « Babylon » ]


Contractor : It looks worse than it is. Mostly superficial damage. Strucrurally, the building's sound.

Ted : That's a relief. So how much are we looking at and how long ?

Contractor : I'd say roughly a hundred grand and four to six weeks.

Ted : Let me run it past the boss, I'll get back to you.

Contractor : All right ! ( They shake their hand )


Ted walks through the debris ... ]


Worker # 1 [ in voice-over, ] : Yeah, that's still solid.

Brian : Would you look at that ? ( he unearthed an intact bottle of Whisky )

Worker # 2 in voice-over ] : Jim, is that a load-bearing wall, this one here ?

Worker # 1 : Yeah, that one and ...

Brian : Must be my lucky day ...

Ted : Well, that's only the beginning. The contractor told me that « Babylon » will be back on its feet in no time with insurance money left over to put in that new sound system.

Brian : That's good news ..

Ted : mm !...

Brian : … Except I've decided not to reopen the club.

Ted : What ?

Brian : « Babylon », it's history.

Ted : But it's your baby, it's your toy ! Your personal playground !

Brian : Now it's a battleground.

Ted : So, what are you gonna do with it ?

Brian : You said there are developers who wanna tear it down. Put up a minimall.

Teed : And you said you'd sooner die than see our happy, home home homogenized !...

Brian : Enough people have already died ! [ inaudible voices-over ] Anyway … Who'd pay 20 bucks to dance to the memory of bombs and corpses ?... ( He's going to go out, when he turns over ) … See you at the vigil.

Ted : Huh ?

Br'ian : The vigil tonight ? See you there.

Ted : Oh, yeah, sure !...


Brian goes out ]


- - - - - - -


[ CUT TO : The « Diner » ]


Lindsay : A meatlof, a rotisserie chiken, mixed vegetrabes, roasted potatoes, a quart of fruit salad and a dozen lemon bars. And that goes to Dusty. I mean, to Marie Logan. Here's the address.

Barmaid : Yeah.

Melanie : I'm not the one to be in denial, since I'm always expecting the worst anyway. But this ? I just … I can't believe Dusty's dead, Michael was nearly killed, not to mention all the others.

Justin : I know.

Melanie : It's just not sinking in.

Justin : Give it time.

Melanie : To be hysterical ? Fall apart ? I can hardly wait.

[ Gus : inaudible words ]

Lindsay : Food's sent. At least that'll be one less thing Marie will have to deal with.


Melanie, with J.R. In her arms, and Justin stand up. Justin helps Gus to slip on his jacket ]


Melanie : You know what she told me ? She has no legal rights to those kids. If Prop 14 passes, she won't be allowed to adopt them. ( She lays J.R. down into her pram. The baby gives a whine ) State could even take them away from her.

Lindsay : God …

Justin in voice-over ] : It's a good thing …

… you are both Gus and J.R.'s legal parents.

Melanie : See how long before they try and take away third-parent adoption.

Lindsay : All I can think about is, what if it had been us ? How would you feel, knowing we'd wasted the last year we'd ever have, unreconciled and apart.

Justin : The good news is that didn't happen.

Melanie : We realized what we'd lost before it was oo late.


she kisses Lindsay ]


- - - - - - -

[ CUT TO : the Hospital ]



- Debbie : Disney World ? You went to fucking Disney World ?

- Michael  murmuring Let him talk, Ma ...

- Ben : Yeah, Deb, let him talk !

- Debbie : Fine . I'll just feed you and keep my mouth shut !

- Hunter : When I was a kid, I'd ask my mom to take me . She'd say : « Sure, honey, next summer ! ». But we never went . So, I

took myself and hitched .

- Debbie :  You hitched ?

- Ben : Ahem .

- Hunter : You'll be happy to know I didn't blow any of the drivers !...

- Michael : You're a good boy .

- Nurse : I'll, um … I'll check in on you later …


she goes out ]


- Debbie : That's the last we'll see of her !

- Ben : I'm glad you got to Disney World .

- Hunter : I even got a job there !

- Ben : Doing what ?

- Hunter : I was a dwarf .

- Debbie : You were a dwarf ?

- Hunter : Dopey . I was pretty good at it too . I'm thinking maybe I'll become an actor ....

- Michael : You can be anything you want . Right after you become a doctor .

- Debbie : Now it's my turn . You just lie there and keep your mouth shut .

- Hunter : Anyway, when I saw the news about Babylon, I tried calling, but no answer . I called Eli and Monty . They told me what happened . I got the first plane I could … [ short time of silence ] You're gonna be all right, aren't you ?

- Michael murmuring ] : Now that you're here …


- - - - -


[ CUT TO : Brian's Loft



  • Jennifer [ taking pills ] : Shrink doubled my dose of Prozac. You got anything to wash it down with ? [ Brian proposes to her a bottle of whisky ] ... Who do I look like to you, Judy Garland ?... [ Brian catches a bottle of water in the refrigerator and pours it into a glass ] Thanks !... [ She swallows the pills ] ... Christ, what a nightmare ! Have you seen Michael ?

  • Brian : Uh ... yeah, I went to the hospital .

  • Jennifer : I spoke to Debbie. She's fucking inspiration !

  • Brian : I can tellshe's had a profound influence .

  • Jennifer : I just thank God Justin's all right !... [ Clinks ] ... and you . [ Brian drinks a gulp without answering ] ... So ... you wanna sell your loft !

  • Brian : That's the plan .

  • Jennifer : You're my fourth call the day . People wanting to flee « Liberty Avenue » ! I wouldn't have pegged you as a panic seller ...

  • Brian : I'm not .

  • Jennifer : Have you told Justin ?

  • Brian [ making « no » with his head ] : ... And I prefer if you didn't either ...

  • Jennifer : I respect my client privacy .

  • Brian : Anyway ... what's the point ?... [ He fills again his glass ] ... I asked him to marry me ...

  • Jennifer : You ... what ?...

  • Brian : Don't worry. He turned me down . [ Brian empties his glass ]

  • Jennifer : I didn't know ...

  • Brian : I just need to do this now . It can't wait ...

  • Jennifer : Uh ... It's your call ... [ she holds out some document to Brian ] ... If you just sign theses ... [ Jennifer is stunned while Brian's signing . She offers to leave some pills for him ... ] ... Um ... Would you like me to leave you a couple ?

  • Brian : No .

    [ Jennifer closes her attaché case, takes her coat and recovers the papers signed by Brian . Then she heads for the output door ... ]

  • Jennifer : Ah ... For what it's worth, I just want you to know that I'm sorry that I'm not gonna be your mother-in-law ...



- - - - - - -


[ CUT TO : The Vigil ]



[ Lindsay and Melanie move forward through the crowd ]


  • Drew [ in voice-over ] : « I was asked to say a few words tonight . I asked why . They said, « because you're a heroe. » [ in live ] : A heroe . [ in voice-over . The camera runs through the crowd where we see Ben and Hunter, then Brian and Justin ... ] : « Because I play football ? Because after a lifetime of denial I was finally honest about who I am ? »


- - -


[ At the bathhouse ]


[ Shirtless and a towel around his lower back, Ted strolls into the establishment ... ]


  • Drew [ in voice-over ] : « I don't call that heroic . What is heroic is standing up for the rights you deserve no matter what the consequences » ... [ Ted enters into a cell ... ] « And that's exactly what those who were injured »... [ Ted takes his towel away and lies down on a bunk ] ...« and who lost their lives last night were doing » .



- - -


[ The Vigil ]


[ Emmett tries to join Ben and Hunter ... ]


  • Drew [ in voice-over ] : « Or trying to before they were stopped »... [ Emmett arrives near Ben ] « But they were up against a powerful opponent . Hatred . Hatred spread by those that want to deny others what's rightfully theirs »... [ Carl sees Emmett . They watch each other ...] « in the name of their God, their family, their country » .

    [ in live ] : I guess they forgot that America belongs to everyone . [ one voice in the crowd : « Yeah ! » ] Now, let us take a moment of silence ...


- - -


[ The bathhouse ]


[ Ted's waiting, lied face down and naked ...]


  • [ Drew in voice-over ] : « ... for those who lost their lives » .


[ A guy appears at the door of the cell . Ted looks at him . The guy enters, shuts the door ... ]



- - -


[ The Vigil ]


  • Debbie : My son, Michael Novotny ... [ clears throat ] ... was injured in the explosion last night . It was touch and go for a while . I'm here to say that he's gonna be all right . [ applause ] . But there are others who are not so lucky ...

  • [ A man in voice-over ] : « Your son should have died ! »

( crowd muttering ) ... Your son should burn in hell !

( He's a priest at the head of a group brandishing homophobic placards )

  • Ben : What did you say ?

  • Priest [ screaming ] : Fags deserve to die !

  • Man 2 : Fags are an abomination .

  • Man 1 : Her son will burn in hell !

  • Ben [ punching him ) : Fuck you !


( Indistinct yelling )


  • Woman : Stop it !

  • Man 3 : Come on, give it to him !


( Ben beats the priest up . Brian rushes to stop him ... )


  • Ben : You're the one who should die . You motherfucker !


- - -


[ The bathhouse ]


( Ted, with a tense face, makes his ass smashed down ...) [ Grunting ]


- - -


[ The Vigil )


( Crowd yelling . Brian tries to restrain Ben ...)


  • Brian : Hey, get off of him !

  • Man 2 : Show that fag who's boss .

  • Emmett [ punching him ] : How does it feel, faggot !

  • Man 3 : Nice, faggot !

  • Horvath : Out of the way ! Out of the way !

  • Man 2 : Come on, fagboy, let's go !


( Grunting . Ben continues beating the priest up . )


  • Woman : Guys, come on !

  • Horvath : That's enough !

  • Man 2 : Get that faggot off me !

  • Horvath : That's enough ! That's enough !

  • Ben : You don't know what it is to be human, much less a Christian ! ( he's restrained by Brian and Carl, but he gives a last heavy kick ) ... Fucking ...

  • Horvath : Get out of here ! Get out of here !


( Siren honks )


  • Man 3 : Cops are here . The cops are gonna freak .


- - -


[ The bathhouse ]


( Ted and the guy are seating side by side . The guy 's smoking ... )


  • Guy : Place is kind of empty tonight !... ( He taps on the flashing neon tube ) ... Everyone's at that vigil ....

  • Ted : Why aren't you ?

  • Guy : Fucking's the best revenge . A neighbor down the hall from he was there . Lost his leg .


( He offers his cigarette to Ted, then throws it )


  • Ted : One of my best friends got hurt too ...

  • Guy : How's he doing ?

  • Ted : I don't know . I haven't been to the hospital ...

  • Guy : I thought you said he was a good friend !

  • Ted : It never would have happened if it weren't for me .

  • Guy : The explosion ?

  • Ted : His getting hurt . I sent him over to the bar to get a drink . And that's where the bomb went off .

  • Guy : Well, what do you know . It's nice to meet you !...

  • Ted : What ?

  • Guy : I always wanted to meet God . Not only did I meet him, I fucked him !

  • Ted : Will you just go, please ?

  • Guy : It's your suite, sweetheart . ( He stands up, and knots his towel ) But don't you think you're giving yourself too much credit that you're the one responsible ?

  • Ted : If I'd gone to get the drink myself ...

  • Guy : But you didn't, Blanche !... So, what are you gonna do nail yourself to the cross ? ( He pours some drops of water on Ted's head ) There ... You're absolved !...



- - - - - - -


[ CUT TO : In Brian's car ]



  • Ben : Oh, God . What did I just do ?

  • Brian : Nearly killed someone .

  • Ben : Do you have something to, uh ...


( Brian gives him a towel )


  • Brian : Here . It's my cum towel . For when you're on the go .

  • Ben : I'm not bleeding ... Oh, God ! How could I have done that ?

  • Brian : If you hadn't, I would have .

  • Ben : I was completely out of control . I've never been out of control .

  • Brian : You should try it often . I might like you better .

  • Ben : You don't understand . What I did, it goes against everything I believe in . Everything I tell my students . It makes me no different than those monsters .

  • Brian : Does that mean I can't call you « Zen Ben » any more ?

  • Ben : You call me « Zen Ben » ?


[ chuckles ]


  • Brian : Yeah . ( he lights a cigarette, presents it to Ben ) ... You know, Gandhi was a Malboro man !

  • Ben : You know, you're a terrible influence .

  • Brian : I try my best !... I don't know what the Budda would say . We haven't talked for a while, but I do know that your husband would be damn proud of you

  • Ben : Well, if anyone knews Michael, you do !

  • Brian : Did .

  • Ben : If he knew you were at the hospital, that you nearly took that doctor's head off because he wouldn't take your blood ...

  • Brian : Listen, professor ! Mrs Novotny-Bruckner made it quite clear . Because we've been friends for our whole lives, it's no reason to go on being friends !...



- - - - - - -



[ CUT TO : cafeteria of the hospital ]


( Debbie and Hunter help theirselves to meal-tray )


  • Debbie : Thank you .

  • Hunter : Thanks .

  • Debbie : What the hell's this supposed to be ?

  • Hunter : I'm not sure, but I make it a general rule not to eat anything that's still moving .

  • Debbie : How can you fuck up Jell-O ?

  • Hunter : So, when's Michael going home ?

  • Debbie : I don't know . The doctor's gonna talk to us later .

  • Hunter : Well, what do you think ? Two days, a week ?

  • Debbie : What's your hurry ? You got a plane to catch ?

  • [ cashier ] : That's $ 5,50, please .


( Debbie looks at Hunter ... )


  • Debbie : You do have a plane ... What's the matter, Snow White can't make do with six dwarfs ?

  • Hunter : I can pay for myself .

  • Debbie : Sorry . It's grandmother's rights . ( to the cashier ) For both .

  • [ cashier – in voice-over ] : « Ten dollars, ma'am »

  • Hunter : Thanks .

  • Debbie : I didn't hear you .

  • Hunter : Thank you !

  • Debbie : Better . ( They're sitting face-to-face ) So let me ask you something . If you knew that you were just gonna turn around and take off again, why the hell you even come back ?

  • Hunter : I wanted to make sure he was okay .

  • Debbie : Yeah ? They've got phones for that, e-mail !... Ew ... Odd ... Is that what they call meat sauce ? There's gotta be other reason your journeyed all the way from the Magic Kingdom !

  • Hunter : I told you .

  • Debbie : Then maybe it would've been better if you hadn't come back at all . You see,, they were just beginning to accept the fact that you're gone .

  • Hunter : Maybe you're right .

  • Debbie : I'm not always right . In fact, sometimes I'm dead wrong . But I'm thinking that maybe you came back because you miss them as much as they miss you . And maybe you were even hoping that if you came back they might ask you to stay ...


( they look at each other ... )


Let me have a taste of that mac and cheese ... Jesus !...



- - - - - - -



[ CUT TO : In a street – in the morning ]


( Emmett and Drew make footing )


  • Drew : Where did you learn how to run ?

  • Emmett : Marilyn Monroe . « Some Like It Hot » . You know, the pier scene ? « Wait for Sugar » .

  • Drew : Ha, ha ! Couldn't you pretend to be De Niro ? Or Schwarzenegger in that movie where he's running ?

  • Emmett : Somehow I missed that one . And there are limits to the human imagination . Besides, I don't have to pretend I'm a movie hero today . Because today, I am a real one . Ha, ha, ha ! Look at that ! Huh ? Is that not a thing of beauty ? Aah ! I really gave it to that fucker, didn't ?

  • Drew : Yeah, I would say you packed quite a punch .

  • Emmett : I won't bore you with details of the time in Hazlehurst when my daddy tried to teach me how to box but let's just say, if I'd learned to defend myself that bright summer day who knows how different my life might've been .

  • Drew : Well, now you know .

  • Emmett : Who would've ever guessed you could use a fist for something else ?


( laughs )



- - - - - - -




[ CUT TO : The « Happy Fun House » )


( Lindsay and Melanie come back from Dusty's funeral ... )


  • Lindsay : I told Marie I'd go back to the house after dinner, help out .

  • Melanie : I'll stay with the kids .

  • Lindsay : It broke my heart to see Maddie just standing there at Dusty's grave holding that flower . Only 2 and she's lost one of her mommies ...

  • Melanie : Next week's Kelly's birthday . They were planning a party .

  • Lindsay : You don't really think they could take thoses kids away from her, do you ?

  • Melanie : I don't know ... ( she takes her coat away ) [ sighs ] Never mind ... We'll talk about it later .

  • Lindsay ( taking her boots away ) : Tell me .

  • Melanie : When the minister said it was time for us to say goodbye to Dusty, I felt like I was saying goodbye to something else as well .

  • Lindsay : Like what ?

  • Melanie : I don't know ... Some belief . An assumption that with a little hope and a lot of hard work, things will somehow work out for the best . I'm not sure I believe that anymore .

  • Lindsay : You have to, Mel . That's everything .

  • Melanie : All I know is, we have a family to look out for . What if somethong were to happen to one of us or, God forbid, to Gus or Jenny ?

  • Lindsay : Please don't say that !

  • Melanie : How can I not ? It's what I'm thinking . Isn't it what you're thinking ?

  • Lindsay : Look, it was just one incident . One crazy person .

  • Melanie : I ... I dearly wish I could believe that . That this thing will never happen again . But my grandfather knew that wasn't true . That's why he left and came here . And I kow it too .

  • Lindsay : Are you saying you wanna leave ?

  • Melanie : I don't know what I'm saying ! Oh, God . I probably sound like a paranoid . An alarmist .

  • Lindsay : You're just afraid . And with good reason .

  • Melanie : You know ... [ snickers ] ... I used to hate it when Brian would say : « There are two kinds of straight people : the ones who hate you to your face, and ones who hate you behind your back ». I knew that wasn't true . There are plenty of straight people who don't hate us . Ones who do no longer do it behind our back : they can do it in the White House . In churches . On television . In the streets . [ a time of silence ] Is that the kind of place we wanna live ? Is that the kind of place we wanna raise our kids ?



- - - - - - -



[ CUT TO : The Hospital ]



( The doctor looks at the Michael's injury )


  • Doctor : It's healing very well .

  • Michael : That's good news .

  • Doctor : Considering the shape you were in, I'd say you're a lucky man !


[ Debbie woops ]


( Debbie, Ben & Hunter make big signs behind the window )


  • Michael : Um ... Some interested parties would like to know when I can go home .

  • Doctor : A couple more days then send you on your way .

  • Michael : I'm sure they'll be glad to hear that !

  • Doctor ( in voice-over ) : But I expect you to take it easy . ( He goes out ) Don't overdo .


[ Debbie comes in ]


  • Debbie : I heard every word !

  • Michael : I know . Years of practice listening in at my bedroom door !

  • Ben : I'm glad my superhero's coming home! ( kisses him )

  • Michael : Me too .

  • Ben : But you heard the doctor, you have to rest .

  • Hunter : I'll take care of him !

  • Debbie ( murmuring ) : So does this mean no more gangbangs with the dwarfs ?

  • Ben : What was that ?

  • Hunter : Uh ... I was wondering, that is, if it's all right with you, if maybe I could come home ...

  • Ben : Uh ... ( him and Michael look at each other ) ... I think that would be fine with us .

  • Hunter : That's good ! Because with you punching people out, you getting blown up, somebody really needs to keep an eye on you !


[ Ted enters, taking balloons in his hand ]


  • Ted : Anybody home ?

  • Debbie Wow !

  • Michael : Hey, Teddy !

  • Ted : Hey ! How's itgoing ?

  • Debbie : Going good . Where the hell have you been ?

  • Michael : It doesn't matter . I'm just so glad to see you .

  • Ted : You have no idea how glad I am to see you .


( he gives the balloons to Ben )


  • Ben : Oh !...

  • Michael : So, what's new in the world ?

  • Ted ( taking his coat off ) : Oh, uh ... let's see ... Uh, well ... Oh ! Cher celebrate her 75th birthday . And, uh ... what else ?... Oh, uh, they're doing a new production of « streetcar » down in New York . Natacha Richardson's gonna play Blanche and Liz Smith is gonna play Stanley .

  • Michael : That's great !

  • Ben : Really ?

  • Ted : Yeah, it's glam !...



- - - - - - -


[ CUT TO : in the country ]


[ Brian's car rolls on a small country road ...

Inside the car ... ]


  • Justin : When you said there's something to show, I didn't think it would be in West Virtginia !

  • Brian : It's less than half an hour out of Pittsburgh .


( Brian stops his car at the entry of a magnificent manor house ...

Justin grunts as he goes down from the car . )


  • Justin : Wow !...

  • Brian : Wait till you see the tennis court ... and the pool ... and the stables .

  • Justin : Stables ?... Who lives here ?


[ a short moment of silence ]


  • Brian : We do .

  • Justin : What ?

  • Brian : I bought it . ( He grabs Justin by the collar and makes him to enter into the house ... )

  • Justin : You bought this house ?


[ Inside the manor ]


  • Brian : You said that your small but charmless studio would have to do until your country manner came along . I'd hoped this would be all you've dreamed of .

  • Justin : And more !... But I told you I ...

  • Brian : You won't marry me . Who could blame you ? I am, without doubt, the worse candidate for marriage alive but, conversely, that's also the reason that I'm the best candidate !...

  • Justin : And how is that ?

  • Brian : Because as strongly as I was opposed to the idea, now that I'm behind it . I'm as fervently and passionately committed .

  • Justin : Uh ... huh ... And what changed your mind ?

  • Brian : I finally thought of one good reason to do it .

  • Justin : And what is that one good reason ?

  • Brian : To prove to the person that I love how much I love him . ( he's approaching Justin ... ) That I would give him anything, I would do anything, I'd be anything to make him happy .


[ Justin sighs ]


  • Justin : You're fucking unbelievable !

  • Brian : It's true . I am .

  • Justin : You bought this . You bought this palace ?

  • Brian : It's for my prince .

  • Justin : Ha !... Uh ...

  • Brian : I'm also selling the loft . And the club .

  • Justin : Without even knowing what my answer would be ?

  • Brian : I'm taking a chance on love .


[ a moment of silence ... The boys look at each other ... ]


  • Justin : Then you mean it .

  • Brian : I've never meant anything more .


[ a new silence ... Justin seems thinking about it ... ]


  • Justin : okay .

  • Brian : okay ?

  • Justin ( smiling ) : Let's do it !

  • Brian : Say it .

  • Justin : Yes !

  • Brian : Yes, what ?

  • Justin : Yes ! ( He laughs ) Yes !... I will marry you ! I will marry you !


[ They kiss ... Justin laughs ... )


  • Justin : What ?... Don't tell me you're already having second thoughts !

  • Brian : Not one !


[ They kiss and embrace each other ... ]


[ soft-focus effect, then upward movement of the camera ... )


[ Brian and Justin lying naked and embraced on the floor; in front of the fire in the hearth . Brian kisses Justin ...








Kikavu ?

Au total, 20 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

10.05.2022 vers 21h

18.03.2021 vers 14h

11.11.2018 vers 19h

23.11.2017 vers 15h

16.08.2017 vers 22h

12.08.2017 vers 13h

Derniers commentaires

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Cine1  (23.11.2017 à 15:44)
Pour du concret c est du concret. Et les yeux de Brian quand il embrasse Justin a la fin à ne pas manquer
cinto  (18.10.2016 à 19:31)

Super épsiode où Brian donne des preuves concrètes.

Et ne toujours pas rater la fin...


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Total : 16 votes
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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !