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#510 : Au nom de tous les miens

Afin d'arrêter l'Amendement 14, une soirée est organisée à Pittsburgh au cours de laquelle Cyndi Lauper, une chanteuse très engagée pour les droits des homosexuels, doit faire une apparition. Ben et Mélanie, qui s'occupent en partie de l'organisation, ne trouvent pas de salle où la soirée pourrait se dérouler après qu'on leur ait refusé le local qui devait leur être attribué. Cependant, il reste tout de même un endroit : le Babylon. Ce qui oblige Michael à aller parler à Brian, étant donné que ce dernier en est le propriétaire, malgré le différent qui les oppose depuis quelques temps. Brian accepte. Par ailleurs, ayant appris qu'il s'était totalement débarrassé du cancer, Brian décide de partir fêter ça en Australie pour le mardi gras. Mélanie et Lindsay, se sentent un peu mal à l'aise vu ce qu'il s'est passé dernièrement : elles ont fait l'amour après s'être violemment disputées. Mélanie dit à Lindsay que c'était une erreur. Alors que Brian se rend à l'aéroport, la fête commence au Babylon. Cyndi Lauper entre en scène et commence à chanter une version remixée de son tube Shine. Michael, Emmett, Ted, Ben, Justin, Jennifer et Tucker sont présents. Debbie, qui est retenue au snack, a du retard. Mélanie et Lindsay en ont également à cause de la babysitter. Lorsqu'elles arrivent au Babylon, elles rencontrent Dusty. Mélanie se rend compte qu'elle a oublié son portable dans la voiture. Elle retourne le chercher tandis que Lindsay l'attend dans la rue. Dusty, elle, rentre déjà dans la boîte. Soudain, alors que Cyndi Lauper chante toujours sa chanson, une bombe explose dans le Babylon ! Debbie, qui a terminé son service et se rend vers la boîte gay, entend l'explosion et se demande ce qu'il se passe. Dans la voiture, à la radio, Brian entend que le Babylon vient d'exploser et demande immédiatement à son chauffeur de faire demi-tour. Arrivé là-bas, il voit le club complètement détruit, des ambulances et des tas de gens sous le choc. Jennifer demande à Brian de retrouver son fils, il est toujours à l'intérieur. Dans ce qu'il reste du Babylon, Brian appelle Justin et le trouve finalement  avec quelques blessures légères. Les deux hommes retrouvent ensuite Ted et Emmett, sans blessures graves. Par ailleurs, dehors, Michael est hospitalisé car il est gravement blessé. Debbie, Carl, Lindsay, Mélanie et Ben sont autour de lui. Il est emmené d'urgence en ambulance. Ben accompagnant Michael dans l'ambulance, c'est Brian qui emmène Debbie à l'hôpital. Là-bas, le médecin dit au petit groupe que Michael a perdu beaucoup de sang. Brian propose le sien vu qu'il est du groupe O, le donneur universel. Le médecin refuse car Brian est gay et que les homosexuels ne peuvent pas donner leur sang car ils sont soi-disant un trop grand risque, ce qui rend ce dernier furieux. Par la suite, Brian retourne sur les lieux du drame et retourve Justin. Celui-ci demande comment va Michael et Brian répond qu'ils ne savent pas encore. Ensuite, Brian avoue à Justin qu'il a eu très peur et pour la toute première fois en 5 ans, il lui dit qu'il l'aime. Les deux hommes s'embrassent...



4.5 - 6 votes

Titre VO
"I Love You"

Titre VF
Au nom de tous les miens

Première diffusion





Plus de détails

Script par : Del Shores
Histoire par : Ron Cowen - Daniel Lipman - Del Shores
Réalisé par : Kelly Makin

Casting secondaires

Cyndi Lauper ,Matt Battaglia (Dru Boyd),Kathryn Zenna (Corrine) ,Lucas Bryant (Tucker), Rae-Ellen Bodie (Dusty), Paul Essiembre, Stefan Fyla(Hatemongers) ,Samantha Wilson (Hatemongers) ,Ronn Sarosiak (Roy Harris) ,Christian Brown (Hot Aussie) , Chris Benson (Football coach) ,Murray Oliver (Sports journalist) ,David W. Smith (Customer) ,Michael Carley (Eli) ,Edgar George (Monty) ,Pierre Dupuis (Magician Assistant) ,Randell Ryan (Magician Assistant) ,Jean Daigle (Fire Chef) ,John-Philip Vazquez (Deputy Fire Chef)  Ian Matthews (Paramedic), Michael Cram (Dr. Pierson), Colin deBourcier (Gay guy) , Michael Kinney (Reporter)

Le débat pour la proposition 14 aura lieu jeudi, mais il y a un problème le local prévu à l'origine pour organiser la fête anti-14 n'est plus disponible. De plus comme des homophobes s'attaquent à toutes les entreprises tenus par des gays ou où on lieu des événements gays, personne ne veut prendre le risque d'accueillir un événement gay. Après avoir épuisé toutes les autres options d'endroit, Ben demande à Michael si Brian pourrait accueillir l'événement au Babylon. Finalement, Michael, qui ne parle toujours pas à Brian, lui demande s'ils peuvent louer le club, et Brian l'étonne en acceptant. Mais tandis que la bande lutte pour les droits gays, Brian projette être à Sydney, Australie pour fêter mardi gras gay.

Lindsay et Mélanie continuent à respecter les règles de leur vie commune séparée en dépit de leur aventure récente. Mélanie considère cet événement comme une "erreur", et elle sort de nouveau avec Corinne. Mais Corinne est fâchée car Mel passe la soirée à parler de Lindsay, et Mélanie est forcée d'admettre qu'elle est toujours amoureuse de Lindsay. Avant qu'elle puisse découvrir si Lindsay ressent la même chose, elle découvre qu'elle met la maison en vente. 

Emmett parle Drew mais ce dernier est toujours sous le choc de sa suspension de l'équipe et même Brown Athletics ne veulent plus de lui pour leur campagne. Emmett lui propose alors de devenir l'icône de leur campagne anti proposition mais Drew ne sent pas près à représenter la communauté et dit à Emmett d'aller sans lui.

Au Babylon. Ted recherche toujours M. Parfait et il arrive avec le dernier candidat en lice un agoraphobe (peur de la foule) du nom de Lewis. Emmett sur scène annonce la venue de Cindy Lauper, la star de la soirée alors qu'elle chante une bombe explose ! 

Brian apprend l'explosion alors qu'il sur le chemin pour l'aéroport et il court au Babylon. A travers les camions de pompier, des ambulances et des voitures de police, Brian cherche Justin. Alors il entend parler de l'état de Michael. L'ambulance l'amène inconscient à l'hôpital et dans un état critique. À l'hôpital, Ben et Debbie prient pour Michael pendant qu'il se fait opérer.

Drew arrive au Babylon alors que Lewis se sauve. Il détestait déjà la foule mais là grâce à ted il la déteste encore plus et reproche à Ted de l'avoir invité ! Mélanie et Lindsay, n'étaient pas au Babylon. Indemne, elles rentrent donc chez elles après une nuit laborieuse et épuisante remplie d'émotions.

Quand Lindsay commence à se rendre dans sa chambre au grenier, Mélanie lui demande de ne pas y aller. Elles s'étendent ensemble dans le lit avec leurs enfants, et forment de nouveau une famille.

Après être allé à l'hôpital Brian revient au Babylone pour rejoindre Justin. Il admet que dès qu'il a entendu parler de l'explosion, en dépit de leur séparation il n'a craint qu'une chose qui lui soit arrivé quelque chose. Il parvient enfin à dire les mots qu'on attend et que Justin attend depuis cinq ans, qu'il n'est jamais parvenu à dire à quelqu'un : "I love You."

Script VO 510


In the street

Michael: Not even a year ago, we were getting married in Canada.

Ben: Now we're back fighting for our rights.

Michael: Thanks to that asshole in the White House.

Ben: You know, you're sounding more and more like your mother.

Michael: There was a time when I would've said "fuck you", but now I'll take that as a compliment.

Debbie: Now, I ask you - who could think that was an abomination?

Justin: A lot of people, Deb. Most people.

Debbie: Yeah, well, they're wrong. And that includes that asshole in the White House. Every time I read about a gay minister being defrocked or a gay couple having their kids taken away from them, it just fucking breaks my heart.

Man (on bullhorn): Protect the family! Protect our children! Protect Christian values! Vote yes on 14.

Woman: Vote yes! Stop the homosexual agenda.

Man: Protect our children! Vote yes on 14. Yes on 14.

Woman: Vote yes on 14. Protect our children. Stop the homosexual agenda. Jesus forgives sinners.

Man: Vote yes on 14. Jesus forgives sinners.

Debbie: Oh, yeah? Well, I've got news for you - Jesus thinks you stink!

Man: Protect our children. Protect Christian values! Vote yes on 14.


In a great and nice place:

Emmett: What a fabulous event this is going to be. If the planner does say so himself. Now, how many tickets have we sold?

Melanie: Over 300. Michael: At $200 a pop, that's over $60,000. Melanie: That doesn't even include what we'll make during the silent auction. Ben: Not bad for a night's work. Emmett: Now, if I could just get Drew to attend. Ben: Think of the media attention we'd get. You can't buy that. Emmett: " Well, like my Aunt Lil always said - "They can't shoot you for asking. Mel: " Roy. I would like you to meet my planning committee and friends. Ben. Ben: Hi. Mel: Michael. Emmett. Emmett: How do you do? Mel: This is Roy Harris, the hotel manager. He's been terrific, so helpful. Ben: Thanks for cutting us such a great deal. Roy: I'm afraid I have bad news. Don't thank me just yet. Corporate just called. They're not going to let you hold the event here.

Emmett: Excuse me?!

Mel: What?

Michael: Why'd they change their minds?.

Roy: That's privileged information.

Ben: Considering you just tanked our event, I think we deserve the privilege of an explanation.

Roy: Let's just say there's a couple of very large accounts corporate's afraid of alienating.

Mel: By having an event they might be perceived as gay-friendly.

Roy: Look, I support what you're doing 100%. I want to protect that. I've been in a relationship for 15 years. But I also have to protect my job. I'm sorry. (he goes out)



Ted: Oh, yeah. He's hot.

Brian: Schmidt. What did I tell you about playing with yourself during office hours?

Ted:  Fuck, Brian.

Brian: Relax, Theodore. This isn't Wertshafter’s. You're in a jerk-off-friendly environment.

Ted: I wasn't jerking off. I'm on my quest for a husband.

Brian: The latest homo to join the rank of defectors.. So, who's the stiff? So, who's the stiff? And I don't mean that in the best sense of the word..,

Ted: As you know, I lost my Jewish doctor, so I decided to try HusbandMaterial.com  It's a website that's full of quality guys, like myself, who are looking for the perfect partner.

Brian: what treasures have you uncovered online?

Ted: Well, this is Richard. He's 36. He's a lawyer, he owns his own house and he likes to cuddle after a long day. He's a dentist.

Uhoh, this is James. 35. He's a dentist. And he likes .well, to cuddle after a long day.

This is Lewis. He's 37. He owns his own business and he likes He likes to cuddle after a long day. He likes…

Both: … to cuddle after a long day. Doesn't anyone like to fuck? Let's see some cock shots.

Ted: There are no cock shots.

Brian: Then how do you know if they're quality men? Move over. This is Roland. He's 32. He doesn't have time for a career. He likes to cuddle after being pounded into oblivion..

Ted: Too bad for you he's in Australia.

Brian: Not really, since I plan on being there in less than 48 hours. I just got back from the doctor. I got a clean bill of health. I'm completely cancer-free.

Ted: That's great news!

Brian: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, to celebrate, I'm going to go to Gay Mardi Gras in Sydney.

Ted: I wish I could go.

Brian: What?! You've got to find a hubby. (Australian accent) G'day, mate.


Mel and Linds House:

Mel: Smells good.

Lindsay: I felt like cooking. You ran out this morning.

Mel: I didn't run out. I had a meeting at the hotel.

Linds: How did it go

Mel: They told us to find someplace else.

Linds: What?

Mel: We have to find another venue.

Linds: Well, it's a little late for that, isn't it?

Mel: I'm going to go take a shower.

Linds: Mel. Look I glued it back together.. If you turn it like this, you can hardly notice the cracks. Are we just going to pretend as if it never happened?

Mel: No-one's pretending. In fact, I hear it happens to a lot of divorced couples. Some say the sex is even hotter than when they're married. It was a mistake. A momentary lapse in judgment.

Linds: Just one of those 'in the heat of the moment' sort of things.

Mel: Precisely.

Linds: Then I guess we should disregard it. Move on.

Mel: I think that would be best.



Justin: Deb, did you ever date a younger man?

Debbie: Sunshine, until Karl came along, I was barely dating a living one.

Justin: But if you'd had the chance?

Debbie: I'd have jumped on it. Which is what I hope your mother's doing.

Justin: Yeah, but he's half her age.

Debbie: Jeez. You kids - you don't cut your parents much slack, do you? - Well, under the sexual bill of rights - that is, if we still have any rights - that is, if we still have any rights - she's entitled to the same freedoms you and Brian have.

Justin: Had.

Debbie: You catch my drift. Fucking pepper.




Ted:  I've done my share of running around, but when I read your description - enjoy spending quiet evenings at home - there's something about it I found very appealing.

Lewis: To tell you the truth, II've never liked going out much. See, when I was a kid, the Partridge Family reunion came to town, and, uh 304 and, uh 305 . .I wanted Danny Bonaduce's autograph so bad.

I waited in line for four hours, and then finally, there they were, dressed in those white jumpsuits.

Ted: Oh, God, I remember those. David Cassidy - I had such a crush.

Lewis: Anyway, there was a stampede. I got trampled.

Ted: That's terrible.

Lewis: Yeah, it was pretty terrifying. In fact, I still get nervous being in a crowd.

Debbie: So, how's the date going?

Ted: It is not a date, Deb. We're just getting acquainted.

Debbie: Are we checking each other out to make sure you're not trolls? Ah. Huh? And then you go and fuck?

Ted:  Yeah. Deb has a way of cutting right to the chase. So, have we, uh officially passed the troll test?.

Lewis: Yeah.

Ted: Well, how about a real date?

Lewis: Great.

Ted: I just bought two tickets to the Stop Prop 14 benefit Thursday night. Cyndi Lauper's performing.

Lewis: II'd love to, but II'd love to, but…

Ted: Crowds. Right. well, some other time.

Lewis: No. No, wait., My therapist says it's important I stare down my demons, so that's what I'm going to do.

Ted: You sure?

Lewis: It's a date.

Ted: Great.


Michael and Ben ‘s:

Ben (to phone): 300, maybe as many as 400.

Michael (to an other phone) For this Thursday night.

Ben: Yes, I know, it's a big crowd.

Michael: Yeah, I know it's short notice.

Ben: Whatever it takes to make it work.

Michael: Saturday won't work.

Ben: Are you sure you can't ?

Michael: There's no way that you can .

Ben: Well, thanks.

Michael: Thanks anyway.

(they putt down the phone)

Ben: No luck?

Michael: Nada.

Ben: Same here.

Michael: So, who's left??

Ben: That's it. Everything's either booked or they don't want us.

Michael: This is a disaster.

Ben: There's one place.

Michael: I'm not asking him for anything.

Ben: Michael, this is important. Can't you and Brian put aside your differences for one night?

Michael: I'm sorry. I'm not going to do it.

Ben: Well, then, I guess we'll just have to call the Center, tell them the benefit's off.



(Brian and a man are fucking)

Man: You've got to try the Bodyline.. The best bathhouse in Sydney.

Brian: Bodyline.

Man: That's it, mate. Fuck me. Harder!  

Brian: What about clubs?

Man: I prefer Arc on Oxford. Friendly. Young crowd.

Brian: Arc on Oxford.

Man: The midnight shift's packed on the weekends. Oh, yeah.

[somebody knocks at the door]

Man: Don't stop. I'm close.

Man: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, mate. Oh, yes. Yes.

Brian: Oh Shit.

Ted: I was calling and calling.

Brian: Why didn't you just buy a stick of dynamite and blast the door down?

Ted: It's the Brown Athletics account. Oops! Sorry!

Brian: Not as sorry as he is. What about it?!

Ted:  Leo Brown just heard about Drew Boyd. He wants another spokesman for his underwear line.

Brian: Did you tell him that we've already booked the photo shoot? That the ad space has already been paid for?

Ted: He said, "That's your problem. But if you don't find someone else, you'll have a bigger one.


Debbie’s home:


TV show: A speaker: " Bottom line - a gay player is disruptive to a team. Imagine that you're in a locker room

A man (Brad Dunn): Don't tell me his team-mates are afraid he'll jump them. Those big guys can't take care of themselves? No. Besides, he didn't chase them around the showers before. Why would he now?

Commentator 1:  By announcing that he was gay, Drew Boyd has separated himself from the rest of the team. The spirit of unity, the playing together as one, has been broken and it can never be repaired.

Commentator 2: So, you're saying they should get rid of him?

Commentator 1: I'd say I had no choice. If he was on my team, I would.

Drew: Hey, I was watching that.

Emmett: Why? So you can get even more depressed? I have just the thing to take your mind off it.

Drew: 'Madame X'.

Emmett: Starring the unjustly underrated Lana Turner. What a performance., Lana has an illicit affair, and after being discovered, is forced to forfeit her identity as her. She wanders the world in a drunken stupor, finally to return home and murder her blackmailer.

Drew: And this is supposed to make me feel better?

Emmett: Yeah, well, Lana always does it for me. Hey, you know what really might make you feel better? Coming with me to the Stop Prop 14 event. You can meet your gay fans, see what a role model and inspiration you've become.

Drew: I told you - I'm a professional football player,  not a professional fag!  So stop trying to get me to be the new gay poster boy!

Emmett:  You'd better take care of yourself. You've got a near-naked photoshoot coming up.

Drew: There's not going to be a photoshoot. Your friend Kinney called. He fired me.

Emmett: Brian fired you?

Drew:  I've now officially lost everything. I knew it wouldn't be easy coming out, but I never expected it would be this bad.

Emmett: You haven't lost me. We'll figure this out.

Drew: If you don't mind I need some time alone.

Emmett: Sure. I understand.


In the street

Mel: It's freezing, ?

Corinne:  Hey, we could go back to my place. I'll warm you up.

Mel: It's kind of late and… Corinne…

Corinne:  I know. You don't have to tell me.

Mel: No, it's not you, I swear.

Corinne: II know that too. It's Lindsay. Hey, come on, you don't need a special team of investigators to figure out what's what. Besides, it's not a crime.

Mel: Mind if I ask you what gave me away?

Corinne:  Penguins. When my dad left my mom, she was so obsessed, you could mention any subject and somehow she'd make it about him. Penguins. " "Your father hated wearing a tuxedo. " You're the same way. Julia Roberts. "Lindsay got her hair cut like Julia Roberts. " The French hate Americans. "Lindsay makes a great bouillabaisse.

Mel:  I didn't realize.

Corinne: Well, why should you? Referring to her is as automatic to you as blinking. Just next time, be fair. Until you can buy a tube of toothpaste and not mention Lindsay's perfect smile. don't let some poor girl think she's got a chance.



Ted: That's Andy Prather. He's the running back for the Chargers.

Brian: Definitely the hottest of the hotties. Mmm. Check out those abs.

Ted: I have - about a thousand times.

Brian: Straight, right?

Ted: Yeah. I have several teenage girls who'll swear under oath they've been raped by him.?

Brian: Perfect. When can he be here?

Ted: Once you sign off, he'll be on the next plane.

Brian: Book him.

Ted: Great.

[Michael is coming]


Michael: Hey, Teddy.

Ted: Michael. Wow. It's a.surprise to see you here. Ri…right, Bri? Isn't it a surprise to see him here?

Brian:  I'm speechless. Except to say that if you and your guest will excuse me..

Michael: Actually, I'm here to see you.

Ted: Oh, I''llI'll just I'll take off and leave you two to do whatever you two need to do. [he leaves]

Michael: I won't waste too much of your time.

Brian: That's good. Because I don't have too much to offer. Michael: Then I'll get right to the point.?

Brian: The point being, you want something?

Michael:  Yes.

Brian: Wouldn't happen to be to apologize, would it?

Michael: I believe it's you who owes me that.

Brian: I already offered. You refused.

Michael: Because you didn't mean a goddamn word!

Brian: But that's not why you're here.

Michael: We lost La Montage for the benefit - Stop Prop 14.

Brian: Yeah, I live in Pittsburgh. I've heard of it.

Michael: It seems that some of their very important clients might object to us using it. We've tried every place in town but they're all booked.

Brian: Every place except…

Michael: … Babylon. B

rian: So, you want nothing to do with my world until, of course, you need it to help yours.

Michael: This has nothing to do with my world versus your world, but you know, since it's going to be a problem, forget it.

Brian: I didn't say you couldn't have it.? How much were you paying La Montage?

Michael: $10,000. We'll pay you the same.

Brian: No, you won't.

Michael: Look, there's no reason to gouge us just because we're desperate.. We don't have it.

Brian: There's no charge.

Michael: Really?

Brian: Yeah, really. Consider it my donation to the cause.

Michael: I don't know what to say.

Brian: Well, 'thanks' will do. Now, if you don't mind, I have to get back to work so that I can continue my decadent lifestyle. Cynthia, will you get me Leo Brown on the phone, please? Thanks..


Mel and Linds’s house:

Mel (with flowers)Linz?!

Linds: In here.

Jennifer: It's a lovely home, and there aren't a lot of designer products on the market.

Linds: Then you think it's a good time to sell?

Jennifer: go any high Provided interest rates don't go any high Hi, Mel.

Mel: Don't let me interrupt. L

inds: No, I'm glad you're here. I asked Jennifer to stop by, take a look at the house.

Jennifer: I understand you want to put the house up for sale.

Mel: I understand we were still talking about it.

Linds: Jen figures we can make at least $100,000. More than enough for a down payment on a couple of condos.

Jennifer: I have some clients who are dying to be in the neighbourhood. I could show it to them before it's even listed.

Linds: That'd be great. So, what do you think? Yeah.

Mel: Great.

Jennifer: When you're ready, just give me a call, we'll start the ball rolling.

Linds: Will do.

Jennifer: Andsee you tomorrow night.

Linds: The benefit.

Mel: Right.

Jennifer: Bye-bye.

Linds: l: 'Bye.

Mel:  So, you want to sell?

Linds:  I was under the impression we both did. So, I say we stop talking about it and get on with our lives. Nice flowers.

Mel: Yeah. I thought they'd brighten up the house.


Sport club:


Brian: 44

Emmett: I don't know how you can be so fucking heartless..

Brian: 45.

Emmett:  Have you had any idea how hard this has been for him? He's lost everything.

Brian: I can't help that.

Emmett: You didn't have to fire him.

Brian: This is a business, not a support group.

Emmett: And its presidentCEO, whatever the fuck you call yourself, happens to be gay.. So tell me - how can you cave to such blatant homophobia? Better yet, why don't I have an expert explain?

Brian: Better yet, why don't I have an expert explain? Theodore. Would you step into my office, please? Theodore.

Emmett: I bet you didn't even try to fight for him, did you?

Brian: No, I did not.

Emmett: You are unbelievable..

Ted: What's up, Bri?

Brian: Theodore. How much do we stand to lose if we lost the Brown Athletics account?

Ted: Ballpark figure?

Brian: That would be appropriate, considering it's a sporting goods company.

Ted: It's, uma $20 million account.

Brian: And how much profit does that generate for Kinnetik?

Ted: Say, roughly $2 million per annum.

Brian: Thank you. You can chastise me all you want for being heartless. Doesn't cost me a cent. But kindly explain to me why I should sacrifice a $20 million account just because your boyfriend suddenly decides to announce he's queer.

Emmett: I can see why you're a successful businessman.


In the street:

Brian: So, you're back working the streets.

Justin: Thanks to you. Are you coming?

Brian: Why in your wildest homosexual fantasies would you imagine that I would attend such an event?

Justin: You gave Michael the club.

Brian: How could I say no to my oldest and dearest friend?

Justin: And it is to protect the rights of every gay person in the state. Including yours.

Brian: Well, you'll to fight the good fight without me. I'll be tanning myself Down Under. And perhaps a little on top.?

Justin: You're going to Australia?

Brian: They say Mardi Gras in Sydney is the gayest place on earth. Except, of course, for Disneyland. Well, take care of yourself.

Justin: You too.



Ben: So, everyone knows the benefit's been moved.

Michael: Bunch of us were at the centre today, making calls, sending emails.

Debbie: Hi, baby!

Ben: You know maybe we should get Brian something.

Michael: What for?

Ben; If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be having a benefit tonight.

Michael: I already thanked him. That's enough.

Ben: If you say so.

Michael: I do.

Ben: Hmm.

Michael: What's that for?

Ben: What's what for?

Michael: You say 'hmm' when you're thinking something and don't want to say it.

Ben: Do I? Hmm. I was just thinking it's a shame…

Michael:  You can stop right there.

Ben: You don't even know what I was going to say.

Michael: Surely it wasn't to remind me of my appointment next Tuesday to have my teeth cleaned. Isn't it always the fucking way?

Debbie:  Isn't it always the fucking way? Kiki was supposed to relieve me an hour ago. She still hasn't shown up. Now I'm stuck with her shift. That's ok.

Ben: We'll wait for you.

Man: Hey, Deb, where's my chicken fricassee?!

Debbie:  It's still fricking! I want you boys to go. There's no point in all of us missing it.

Michael: Are you sure?

Debbie: Yeah, I'll be there. As soon as Kiki gets her trannie ass here. I love you.

Cook: Deb! Order's up!




Ted: Are you alright?

Lewis: In my Face Your Fear workshop,they tell us to just keep breathing steadily like this?  In .and out. It's also helpful to have a partner coaching you.

Ted: Are you sure you didn't go to Lamaze by mistake?

Michael:  I sure hope we can find Mom in here.

Ben: I wouldn't worry. If there's one person you can spot in a crowd, it's your mother.

Ely: Hey, guys.

Monty: This is some event.  I might revisit the halcyon days of my debauched youth and dance till dawn.

Ely: If he makes it till 10:30, it'll be a miracle.

Ben: Where's Brian? I want to thank him. J

ustin: He went to Australia for Mardi Gras.

Michael: Figures.

Ely: After all, he's slept with everyone in this continent.

Justin: Oh, shit.

Michael: What's the matter?

Justin: My mother just arrived with her boy toy. It's so soap opera. So menopausal. So humiliating.

Jennifer: Hello, darling.

Michael: Somehow she seems to perceive it differently.

Jennifer: You remember Tucker.

Ben: Good to see you again.

Tucker: How you doing? Good to see you again. Hi, Justin. I'm going to get a drink. Chardonnay, honey?

Jennifer:  Perfect. (to Justin)By the look on your face, I should have ordered a sour apple martini. J

ustin: Did you have to bring him

Jennifer: Does he embarrass you?

Justin: Frankly, yes.

Jennifer: Well, when there's a Proposition 15 to take away the rights of middle-aged women to still have a life, let's hope you show up for me.

Emmett: May I have your attention, everyone? Hi. I'm Emmett Honeycutt. You may know me as Channel 5's former Queer Guy.. But tonight I am still your queer Guy and I want to welcome you to this fabulous evening!

Ted: Guys, this is Lewis. We met on HusbandMaterial.com.

Ben: Oh! This sounds serious.

Ted: Michael and Ben got married in Toronto last year.

Michael: You could be next! .

Emmett: (to the public)we can defeat Proposition 14! Let's let the bigots and the hatemongers and the state capitol and the White House know and the state capitol  know we will not be silent! Unless, of course,  it's for the silent auction. So get those big bids in early..  And now I'm so excited. - It is my great honour and pleasure to present our star attraction - a girl who, like the rest of us, just wants to have fun -! the one, the only Ms Cyndi Lauper!


In the street (Brian caught a cab)

. Brian: Is my flight on time?

Driver: Yes, Mr Kinney.


In the street, next to Babylon


Melanie: If you didn't have to change

Lindsay: The sitter was late.Don't blame me.

Mel: You've never been on time - not once.

Linds; You won't have to be bothered with it much longer, will you?

Dusty: Hey, girls.

Linds: Hi, Dusty. I thought you weren't coming.

Dusty: At the last minute, I said to Marie, "It's too important. "One of us has to be here. " So I came and she's home with the kids. L

inds: That's what I should've done.  Our new sitter was late. D

usty: You can always drop him at my place. Let's go in.

Mel: Oh, shit.

Linds: What now?

Mel: My cell phone - I must've left it in the car.

Linds: Christ.

Mel: You go in. I'll find you.

Linds: I'd better wait for Mel. You go.




Lewis: Do you think I could get some water?

Ted:  Michael, could you do me a really big favour? Lewis is kind of nervous in crowds and I don't want to leave him. Could you get him some water?

Michael: Uh, sure. As long as you're going, cranberry spritzer for me?

Michael: Hi! Hi! Cranberry and soda




In the street.


Debbie Jesus Christ!  What the fuck was that?


Into the cab:


Radio voice: This just in from wdbx News - there's been an explosion at Babylon, there's been an explosion at Babylon, a local gay club, where a political fundraiser was under way tonight. Authorities fear there may be many injuries, possibly fatalities. They say there's no word yet as

Brian: Turn around!


Next Babylon : sirens wailing and crowd yelling


Man: I want this whole area blocked off. I want a clear path for the ambulances.

Brian: Jennifer!

Jennifer: Oh, my God.

Tucker: you can’t believe…

Brian: Are you alright?

Jennifer: Justin's still in there. You've got to find him.


[Brian runs  and goes into the Babylon].


Firefighter: We need you to leave the building. Everyone who is able, please exit as quickly as possible!

Brian: Justin! Justin! Ted! Ted?! Ted! What the fuck happened?

Ted:  I don't know.

Brian: Have you seen Justin?


Man: He's not breathing! Somebody help, please

Oh, my God! No! Oh, my God! No! Where's the door? I can't find the door! I've got a heavy bleeder right over here.

Man: Please! The fucking thing is burning! Please!? Help me!


Brian:  Are you hurt?

Justin: No. Just some scratches. Have you seen my mother?

Brian:  She's ok. She's outside. She's looking for you.

Emmett: There you are, baby. My God, I was worried sick. Brian: Have you seen Michael?!

Justin: Em?

Brian: Emmett!




Debbie: Would you hurry, please?!

Carl: Deb, they're doing the best they can.

Ben: I'm riding with him. I'm his partner.

Man: Get in. Hurry.

Debbie: Get me to the hospital, Karl, please.

Carl: I can't leave now. I'm on duty. I'll get one of the boys to take you.

Brian: I'll take you.

Lewis: I knew I shouldn't have come.

Ted: You're going to be alright.

Lewis:  I've gotta get out of here.

Ted: Lewis! Wait!

Lewis: Why'd I listen to you?!


Pittsburgh Hospital


Doctor 1: Cardiac needle and 500cc of adrenaline, stat.

Doctor 2: Can I get a hand with this, please?

Melanie:  Deb, why don't you sit down?

Debbie:  I tried that. Didn't work. What if I lose him? What am I going to do?

Ben: You won't lose him. And this is not about you, so sit down.

Debbie: I’m sorry. You're right.

Doctor 1 : Excuse me, sir. Can you hear me?

Brian: Well?

Dr. : He's lost a lot of blood. Before we can do anything, he's going to need a transfusion..

Brian: What the fuck are you waiting for?

Dr: He's AB negative, we're short on his type, so we're checking all the hospitals.

Brian: ok. I'm O negative. It's the universal donor, right?

Dr: Are you gay?

Brian: What's that got to do with anything?

Ben: We can't give blood because of HIV

Brian: I don't have HIV

Dr: It doesn't matter. Gays are considered to be too high of a risk.

Brian: What about all those straight studs and bitches who fuck around and don't use protection? You'd take their blood, right?

Dr: It's an FDA regulation.

Mel: Brian

Brian: I don't give a shit! Take my blood, motherfucker!

Ben: Brian, Brian, look, you couldn't give it even if you were straight. You've got cancer.


Babylon, in the street.

Carl (to Drew): He's ok. He's right down there.

Man: Sam Rawlings, Channel 7 News, here with Drew Boyd. Drew, having just come out of the closet, how do you feel about what's happening here? Are you concerned about losing your fans now that you're gay? Right now I'm more concerned about people losing their lives!?!

Drew: Emmett?! Are you ok?

Emmett: Yeah. A little smoke inhalation. I'll live.

Drew: I'm sorry I wasn't here..

Emmett: Yeah, well you're here now.



Dr: We've stabilised the blood loss, but there's still internal bleeding from a punctured spleen.. So we're going to need to remove it immediately.

Debbie: Will he be alright?

Dr: With this amount of blood loss, we can only hope for the best.  I'll give you a moment with him, then we need to start prepping.

Debbie (to Michael):  You'd better fucking come through this, you little shit.


Linds and Mel’s house:

Linds: I'm afraid I woke him. But I just needed to hold him.

Mel: He'll go back to sleep.

Linds: Are you…? What an idiotic question. Of course you're not all right.? How could anyone be all right?

Mel:  Just grateful. Grateful that you're always late.

Linds: And that you forgot your cell phone.

Mel: Promise me you'll never be on time for anything.

Linds: If you promise me you'll never remember a thing. I'll put him back in bed..

Mel: Linds? Please?


Hospital chapel


Debbie: As you know, I've always been a good Catholic girl.. Even though, when it comes to gays and abortion, I think they're full of shit. But still,.. I always believed that God knew best and there was a reason for everything that he does.

But, um …this time I'm not so sure why he let this happen to Michael and the others. So, this time I'm not asking him. I'm telling him to see that Michael gets through this.

You notice I didn't say "my son, Michael"? Because it's not for me. It's for him. You want to say a prayer?

Brian: No. But if you know what's good for you. you'd better fucking listen to her.

Babylon in the street:

Man: Do you mind if I tell people Cyndi Lauper saved my life?

Cindy Lauper: Nah, you do that. My manager will love it


Far away…


Justin: Is Michael going to be ok?

Brian:  They don't know. When I heard what happened, I tried to call you on your cell, but you didn't answer.

I was so fucking scared. All I could think was ... "Please don't let anything happen to him."

 I love you. I love you.





Kikavu ?

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Fiona51092  (11.11.2018 à 19:42)

Ah cette épisode ....j'adore

cinto  (18.10.2016 à 19:24)

Episode incontournable! Et surtout ne pas rater la fin...


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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !