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#312 : Enquête d'amour.

Ted revient de Palm Springs et s'excuse auprès des filles même si Emmett a déjà remplacé l'argent. Emmett refuse d'admettre qu'il y a un probleme, même quand Ted le convainc de prendre des crystal meth. Hunter révèle qu'il connaissait "Dumpster Boy", Jason Kemp, et qu'il l'a vu partir avec un policier qui aurait pu le tuer. Debbie va voir Horvath mais il lui dit que Stockwell a classé l'affaire. Brian enrôle Hunter et Justin pour l'aider à découvrir l'identité du policier mais Hunter change les plans et décide de faire cavalier seul.



4.43 - 7 votes

Titre VO
"Drugs, Sex and Lies"

Titre VF
Enquête d'amour.

Première diffusion

Plus de détails

Script par : Michael MacLennan
Histoire par : Ron Cowen - Daniel Lipman - Michael MacLennan
Réalisé par : David Wellington

Casting secondaires :

Harris Allan (James "hunter" Montgomery), David Maclean (Coup D'hunter), Wayne Best (Kenneth Reichert), Jack Wetherall (Vic Grassi), Peter MacNeill (Carl Horvath), Gary Brennan (Rodney),

La back room a de nouveau été fermée. Brian ne veut pas la rouvrir. A quoi bon !
Chez Ben et Michael, Hunter laisse traîner ses affaires partout. Ah, ces ados ! Michael veut le réveiller, mais le jeune homme dort. Et Mike est attendri. Ben propose de lui donner une clé, mais Mike refuse.
Ca lui apprendra : en plus Hunter critique Rage. Pas assez crédible à son goût : un beau gosse comme lui n'existe pas. C'est à ce moment que Brian entre dans le magasin de BD et que Hunter flashe sur lui. Et il ne se gêne pas pour le lui faire savoir !
Emmett nettoie son appartement quand on sonne à la porte. Il pense d'abord à Ted, mais il s'agit des lesbiennes. Elles sont venues annoncer à Ted que l'argent est réapparu sur le compte de Gus. Emmett invente une excuse bidon pour excuser l'absence de Ted, mais il se contredit. Elles comprennent que quelque chose ne va pas, et il leur annonce sa disparition. Plus tard, le disparu revient, le visage marqué par les excès. Emmett lui reproche de ne pas l'avoir appelé. Il sait où il est allé, et c'est lui qui a remboursé son vol pour le couvrir.
Un espoir renaît au Dinner : Hunter reconnaît Jason Kemp sur une photo, et il sait ce qui c'est passé le jour de sa mort. Debbie va de ce pas au poste de police et annonce à Carl que le meurtrier est un flic. Mais celui-ci refuse de prendre la déposition : pas assez de preuve, et la parole d'un prostitué n'est pas des plus recevables. De plus, il lui annonce que le dossier a été classé.
Au Woody, la tension entre Ted et Emmett est palpable. Ted promet que tout est fini et il veut avouer la vérité à Mel et Linz. Debbie arrive chez Brian en pleine partouze. Pas con : quand toutes les backrooms de la ville sont fermées, autant en créer une chez soi. Non gênée, elle enjambe les corps (non sans vérifier que les mecs se protègent) et rejoint Brian, en plein acte, dans la chambre. Et il est bien obligé de l'écouter ! Elle lui demande de l'aider pour Jason, mais il refuse. Ah bah oui ! Faut pas déranger Brian Kinney en pleine baise...
Plus tard, Debbie déprime chez elle. Vic et Rodney rentre, et elle se montre très désagréable. Vic comprend qu'elle est déçue par Carl, et qu'elle en est amoureuse.
Ben et Mike font l'amour, mais Ben pense à Hunter qui erre dans les rues. Dès le lendemain, Mike lui donne une clé.
Au petit matin, Justin arrive chez Brian. Une partouze dans un appartement peut faire le même effet qu'une tempête... Pauvre femme de ménage. Brian lui annonce les dernières nouvelles sur Jason.
Ted annonce la vérité aux lesbiennes sur la disparition de l'argent de Gus. Très vite, le ton monte : Mélanie lui faire part de son manque de confiance à venir. Emmett prend la défense de son mec et la traite de conne ! Ben et Mike rentrent chez eux pour baiser. Surprise : Hunter est en train de faire une passe dans l'appartement ! Le client se fait virer manu militari et Hunter rend la clé et s'en va, non sans s'être fait passer un savon.
Plus tard, Hunter retourne sur son lieu de travail habituel : le trottoir. Brian arrive et le fait monter en voiture. En fait, Brian a besoin du jeune homme pour identifier le meurtrier. Ils se rendent donc au bar qu'il fréquente. Dès que l'homme arrive, Brian prend la place à côté de lui au bar. La pub de Jim passe à la télé, et Brian la critique. Et ça marche : l'homme réagit et s'affiche pro-Stockwell. Bingo : y'a de fortes chances pour qu'il soit effectivement flic !
Brian annonce donc le résultat de ses découvertes à Carl. Mais il lui faut des preuves, genre ADN. De plus, Brian ne peut pas être objectif : il est trop impliqué dans la campagne de Stockwell : sa motivation pourrait être une vengeance, et accuser la police reviendrait à détruire Jim.
Mike réussit à retrouver Hunter et lui demande de revenir. Il lui rend la clé. Dîner en amoureux pour Ted et Emmett. Plus tard, au lit, Ted décide de prendre une dose de drogue pour pouvoir se sentir "roi du sexe". Il convainc Emmett d'essayer.
Brian et Justin attendent le meurtrier au bar. Hunter arrive. Brian lui demande de repartir : ils ont besoin de l'ADN du type. Le jeune homme fait donc demi-tour. Mais le type n'arrive pas ... pour une bonne raison : Hunter l'a accosté dans la rue ! Le policier veut faire ça sans capote, mais Hunter refuse. Ils repartent néanmoins ensemble...

 Script VO 312



Justin: They fucking closed it again! We're just going to have to reopen it again, right? Wrong, blond boy.

Brian: I've done enough for the fags of this burg. Let someone else lead the charge.

Justin: So you're just going to take it lying down?

Brian: That's generally how it's done. Justin: I thought you wanted to get even. Brian: I'd rather get laid.


Michaël and Ben’s :

Michaël: It's bad enough he's holed up in the spare room, does he have to turn our home into a pigsty?

Ben: How tidy were you when you were his age?

Michaël: Well, at least i didn't leave my smelly socks on the dining room table. Christ, he even found my secret stash of mrs.Chips.

Ben: Give the kid a break, michael. For him, a bag of cookies and a warm bed are a luxury.

Michaël: You know what would be a luxury to me?

Ben: Live-in maid?

Michaël: Loud, uninhibited, screaming, raunchy sex.

Ben: You know, i did notice you were holding your breath last night. Now, that's not healthy. It's like keeping in a sneeze.

Michaël: i was afraid he'd hear us and yell, "god bless you".

Ben: i'm sure he's heard worse. Michaël: I'm sure he's done worse.

(He knocks at the Hunter’s room)

Michaël: Time to get up. Hey.Hey! We're leaving and so are you.

Hunter: Can't i just sleep? I was up half the night.

Michaël: Doing what?

Hunter: Listening to you guys trying to keep it down. "shhh! He'll hear us. " next time just fuck your brains out. Get it over with.

Michaël: Thanks for the sex tips.

Hunter: Any time.

Ben: Maybe we should just give him a key.

Michaël: We are not giving him a key!

Ben: Now that he's living here

Michaël: he's not living here. He's staying here temporarily.

Ben: He still needs to get in.

Michaël: He gets in when we let him in.

Ben: But where is he going to go all day?

Michaël: School, perhaps?

Ben: Maybe you could take him to the store with you.

Michaël: Why not take him to class with you?

Ben: Michael, my lecture today is on latent homosexuality in the works of thomas mann. Somehow, i thought maybe he would appreciate the second issue of "rage" more. Not that it's not a post-modern masterpiece.

Hunter: All right, all right, i'm up. What the fuck's the rush?


Ted’s house


Emmett: (he whipers) Oh, please, god. Teddy, let it be you. Oh, of course it isn't. You have a key.

Oh, but maybe he lost it!

(He opens the door and Mel and Linds are here, in front of Emmett)

Emmett: Oh hi! Hi.

Lindsay: Hi. Look at you. Cleaning everything from top to bottom.

Emmett: At the moment, there's, uh just a bottom.

Melanie: You certainly are a busy beaver.

Emmett: Oh, that's a true compliment, melanie, coming from you. what're you girls up to?

Lindsay: we had a little outing this morning. First we went to the farmer's market, then we took gus to buy new shoes.

Melanie: : Then we went to the bank.

Emmett: Not exactly a day in gay Paris.

Linds: And guess what? The missing funds from gus' accoun have magically reappeared.

Mel: Every penny.

Emmett: Well, that is a nifty trick. I told you not to worry.

Mel: So what's going on? One minute they're gone, the next minute they're back.

Emmett: beats me, but, uh but, hey, i always was a bubble-brain when it comes to math. I mean, if carlene dawes hadn't given me the answers to that quiz in fifth grade, i'd still be sitting there today. Mel: And where's ted? Why hasn't he returned our calls?

Emmett: He's… um …he's out having his, uh tires rotated. L

inds: Come on, em, what's wrong?

(The phone rings)

Emmett: Teddy? Oh oh, hi, vic. Um no, no, no, i-i thought it might be ted. Yeah, he's out at the grocery and he's always forgetting something, so yeah, i-i better, uh, keep the line clear. Ta!

Mel: You said he was having his tires rotated.

Emmett: Oh,  that was before the grocery. After he disappeared. (He cries) Vanished. I haven't heard from him for days.


Michaël’s store:

Michaël: As long as you're here, it wouldn't kill you to help out. You know, straighten the racks, dust.

Hunter: Is that why you took me in? Slave labour? Hey! I'm allergic to feathers!

Michaël: Yeah. More like allergic to work.

Hunter: Can't you see i'm reading?

Michaël: What? X-men? Spider-man?

(Hunter looks at Rage)

Michael: So, um, how do you like it?

Hunter: It eats shit.

Michaël: Excuse me?

Hunter: Whoever heard of gay crusaders? All fags care about is getting their dicks sucked.

Michaël: Yeah well, for your information, i wrote that.

Hunter: Then you ought to know. Besides a hot, hunky superhero like rage would never exist. Not in a million years.

(Brian goes into the shop)

Brian: Yo, shop keep.

Michaël: Well, what're you doing here? I thought you'd be out looking for a job.

Brian: I am. Blow jobs.

Michaël: What's the matter? Justin having dental work?

Brian: And since there's no place in town left to party, i decided to throw one of my own, and i thought that you might like to look over the guest lis just in case you and the professor decide to stop by.

Hunter: They go to bed at 9. But i stay up late. B

rian: Huh! This the kid?

Michaël: Hunter, this is Brian.

Hunter: Wanna fuck?

Brian: Nice to meet you, too.

Michaël: Now go do something useful.

Hunter: I was trying to.

Brian: Precocious tyke.

Michaël: Yeah, as if i didn't already have enough in my life.

Brian: Now, now, i think what you and ben are doing is incredibly generous. Altruistic. Noble.

Michaël: Yeah, in other words, i should have my head examined.


Ted’s home:

TV: The arctic-like cold front from the north seems to be moving east, bringing with it warmer seasonal temperatures. Expect showers throughout the central states, with precipitation tapering off in the southern region. There's still a thunderstorm aler in the mountains, and flood warnings remain for the lower valleys. International forecasts are next. Followed by the national outlook. Then will you need an umbrella or a sun hat? What you can expect in your neighbourhood, all coming up when we return.

Emmett: Aren't you going to say hello?

Ted: I thought you were sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you.

Emmett: "disturb me"? I've only been up for the past three nights. Where the fuck have you been? Are you all right?

Ted: Yeah, i'm fine. Just i just, uh i needed to get away.

Emmett: Well, you could've at least told me you were going. Why didn't you you call, or or leave a message? You know, did it occur to you that i might be scared out of my mind?

Ted: Of course, it did. I just i-i meant i meant to call. I i just i i wasn't in a very good place.

Emmett: Funny, i've always heard Palm Springs was a very good place.

Ted: How did you know?

Emmett: It doesn't matter how i know. Well, i hope you had fun.

Ted: If you call a circuit party with 20,000 tweakedout fags "fun".

Emmett: So why did you go?

Ted: Because i've never been before. Since i had the time…

Emmett: … and the money. Must've cost a pretty penny, leaving at the last minute. Where'd it come from, hmm? And before you say the cheque your granny gave you for your birthday, how about gus' college fund? The one mel and linz entrusted you with? How could you steal money from a baby?

Ted: It's not like he's going to need it for another 15 years. Anyway, i-i didn't steal it, i borrowed it. I have every intention of paying them back, with interest.

Emmett: You don't have to repay them. I already replaced it. Every cent. With the money i was going to use to buy that oven.

Ted: You did that for me?

Emmett: Not just for you. For them. So they wouldn't have to look at someone they love and trust, and realize he's become a thief and a liar.


Liberty diner:

Hunter (to Michaël) : So you and Brian ever fuck?

Michaël: What?

Hunter: I said, did you and Brian ever fuck?

Michaël: No, we never…

Hunter: … i didn't think so. You're not his type.

Michaël: Well, neither are you.

Hunter: We'll see about that.

Ben: Hey, what's this all about?

Michaël: Someone's got a schoolboy crush.

Hunter: I do not!

Ben: Oh, christ, that's all we need.

Michaël: Just stay away from him, okay? He's a bad influence.

Debbie: I made you a triple-scoop pistachio sundae, extra hot fudge and sprinkles on top.

Hunter: What the fuck do i look like a nine-year-old?

Debbie: No, honey, you don't. You look like a smartass little twerp who could use some manners. Now, how about a nice big thank you?

Hunter: Thank you.

Debbie: That's better. Wait a minute, aren't you going to eat it?

Hunter: I hate pistachio.

Debbie: What's the matter?

Hunter: Nothing.

Debbie: Do you know him? Jason kemp?

Hunter: Kinda…

Debbie: Did he hustle too?

Hunter: He was just starting out. He hadn't learned the ropes, like who to go with, who not to, make sure you collect up front. I've gotta get to work.

Debbie: Hold it! If you know anything about the night he died who he was with, where he was, you owe it to him to say something.

Hunter: He's dead. I don't owe him shit. Anyway, he owed me 50 bucks.

Debbie: 50 bucks? There. There! Now it's your turn.

Hunter: The night he got killed, we were at a bar. He went off with this trick. I warned him not to, but jason needed the money, so he went anyway. That's the last time i saw him.

Ben: Any idea who this guy was?

Debbie: Why didn't you go to the police?

Hunter: You've gotta be kidding. They'd never arrest him.

Michaël: Why not?

Hunter: You figure it out.


Carl’s police office:

Carl: A cop?

Debbie: That's right.

Carl: You're saying a cop killed Jason Kemp.

Debbie: I'm saying that this kid saw him leave a hustler bar at 2:00 o'clock in the morning with someone that he knew was a cop, and a couple of hours later, the boy turns up dead in a dumpster.

Carl: Why should i take the word of some hustler?

Debbie: Why shouldn't you?

Carl: Any number of reasons. They're liars, thieves, drug dealers, addicts. Just because your son and his friend have a soft spot in their hearts make that their heads and have taken one in doesn't mean he's to be believed or trusted.

Debbie: Well, you could at least talk to him. Get a fucking description!

Carl: Of someone he has it in for? Who chased him off his corner? Harassed one of his tricks? Arrested him for prostitution?

Debbie: It's a fucking lead, carl. Can't you at least follow it?

Carl: It's off my desk. Cold-cased.

Debbie: By who?

Carl: Higher-ups.

Debbie: You mean Stockwell?

Carl: That's none of your business.

Debbie: Whoever killed jason kemp is my business. So you can tell your your higher-ups to get their asses down here and put it back on the front burner.

Carl: I'm sorry, mrs. Novotny but i don't take my orders from you.



Emmett: He said he didn't do anything, but he had that "rings of saturn" look under his eyes.

Michaël: Crystal?

Emmett: Well, we all know the drug of choice at the white party ain't advil.

Michaël: I can't imagine Ted, you'd think he'd know better than to mess with that shit.

Emmett: I could've killed him but he looked so tired, so pained, i just wanted to hug him and tell him everything is going to be all right.

Ted: Hey, guys.

Michael: Teddy.

Ted: Hi, Michael.

Michael: Are you okay? Listen, if you ever want to get together and just talk things out

Ted: thanks, Michael, but, i've had my "lost weekend" and it's over. I can now officially say i've been to my first white party, and my last.

Michael: I'll see you guys later.

Emmett: Another cosmo, please.

Ted: I'll have a club soda. I really must have crashed. Woke up and you weren't there.

Emmett: Yeah, well, i needed to get away. I'm sure you can understand that. I'm glad you got some rest.

Ted: Em …

Emmett: there's nothing to say. It's perfectly logical. One day, you're ted schmidt, my best friend and the love of my life, and the next day, you're ted schmidt, circuit boy. And please don't tell me you didn't do any drugs, because it is obvious you did.

Ted: Okay, i tried it. I'm a latebloomer. I mean, i didn't even have sex with another guy until i was 21.

Emmett: Well, i'm sure you made up for it this weekend.

Ted: Look, it's over and done. I chalk it up to experience, i move on. Tomorrow morning life begins anew. You know, i i was thinking. Uh maybe i'll start another business. You know, become a financial planner, build up a list of clients but first i'm going to go tell Melanie and Lindsay the truth.

Emmett: That's, uh that's very admirable.

Ted: I just hope they accept my apology. Then i'm going to make it up to you. I know it's going to take more than just words, but somehow, i i'll find a way.


Brian’s loft:

Debbie: Another quiet evening at the Kinney residence. Hello, excuse me. Hi. 'Scuse me. Yeah. 'Scuse me, honey. Pardon me, baby. Hi. Glad to see you're playing safely. (to Brian in bed with a man)Did i come at a bad time?

Brian: No but i did.

The guy: Who the fuck's she?

Brian: The avon lady. Can't you see i'm in the middle of someone?

Debbie: I'm sorry to pull you away but there's something i thought you should know. The kid Michael and Ben took in said the night that jason kemp died, he saw him in a hustler bar, picking up a cop.

Brian: And what're you telling me for?

Debbie: You know, if you tried thinking with your brain instead of your dick, you might realize that Stockwell and his campaign could be in deep shit if it turned out that that the killer was one of Pittsburgh's finest.

Brian: Do me a favour, Debbie, tell your boyfriend.

Debbie: He's not my boyfriend and i already did and he wouldn't do anything.

Brian: Well, what do you expect me to do?

Debbie: Nail the bastard!

Brian: The only person i'm interested in nailing is him. Now, if you'll excuse me


Michael and Ben ‘s room: (they have sex)

Michael: just do it, do it!

Ben All right, baby, they'll hear you in Scranton.

Michael:So what if they do?

Ben: Oh my god. Michael: What's the matter?

Ben: fuck, i just have a lot on my mind, that's all. It's, this course i'm teaching, and, uh this chapter i'm stuck on.

Michael: This kid.

Ben: Yeah.Yeah, he's, uh he's out there on the street, turning tricks, all right? Hopefully being careful, but what if he picks up the wrong guy? He could end up the next kid in a dumpster, Michael.

Michael: Christ! He fucks up our sex life when he's here, and now he's fucking it up when he's not here.

(somebody knocks at the door)

Ben: Okay, that's him.

Michael: At least everyone in Scranton' ll have a good night's sleep.

Debbie ‘s :

Debbie: Where have you two been?

Vic: Movie and a mattress sale.

Rodney: Sixty percent off. Debbie: i hope it gets here soon. Listening to that old thing squeak every time you two get it on keeps me awake.

Vic: Maybe if you didn't have your ear pressed to the wall.

Rodney: Think i'll go warm up the sheets.

Vic: So why're your tits in a twist? They run out of that empress alexandra bracelet you've been waiting for?

Debbie: : You wouldn't understand.

Vic: No, of course not. We've known each other such a brief time.

Debbie: Never mind. Rodney's waiting.

Vic: What's going on? What is it, sis?

Debbie: He looked right through me.

Vic: Who did?

Debbie: Horvath, who do you think? And he called me mrs. Novotny, like i was a total stranger. A total fucking stranger. I hate men. Why couldn't i have been a lesbian?

Vic: Because mom would've had a heart attack if both her kids were gay. Stuffing this in your mouth isn't going to make you feel any better.

Debbie: Horvath's like a cheese doodle.

Vic: You told me he was well-endowed.

Debbie: I mean, you just shouldn't start 'cause once you do …all you want is more. Just better to never have had any at all than to … Shit! They just sold out! Fuck!

Vic: It's okay.


Ben and Michael’s :

Ben (to Hunter): You better wear some gloves and a ski cap. It's freezing outside. (to Michael):Christ, did i just say that? I sound like my mother. Actually, make that your mother.

Michael: Thanks.

Hunter: Anything else?

Michael: Be sure to wear your rubbers. Wait up.

Hunter: Now what?

Michael: Thought you might need this.

Hunter: I thought you didn't trust me.

Michael: his way we don't have to stop whatever it is we're doing to let you in.

Ben: I’m surprised you did that.

Michael: Once he's gone, we can always change the lock.


Brian’s loft:

Justin: Must've been quite an elegant affair.

Brian: "long night's journey into day". You should've been there.

Justin: Yeah, i was helping Daphne study for midterms.

Brian: Twenty Pittsburgh’s hottest, horniest hunks. And Debbie.

Justin: i know how much she wants to be a gay man but is it wise to encourage her?

Brian: She couldn't wait to tell me the news. It seems the littlest hustler knew dumpster boy, saw him picking up a cop the night he was murdered.

Justin: Oh, shit.

Brian: Yeah. For some reason she thought i would be interested.

Justin: Aren't you?

Brian: No. I already told you…

Justin: Right. You want to have fun, fun, fun till your daddy takes your freedom away. In case you haven't noticed, he already has. But if you're content turning your place into the next backroom fine. Only how are you going to keep a cleaning lady?


Lindsay and Melanie’s house:

Ted: I made a hasty decision. A poor one. And one for which i will always be ashamed, but i hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, and if not today then someday and that somehow i can earn back your love and uh, your respect.

Lindsay: That's very brave of you, Ted, to come here and own up to what you did. Don't you think, mel?

Mel: Yeah. Yeah, it took guts and it was a very nice speech. But we'll have to wait and see.

Emmett: See what?

Mel: Saying you're sorry is one thing, meaning it is another.

Emmett: He told you it was a mistake.

Ted: It's all right, Em. I-i don't need you to defend me. I don't blame you for not accepting my apology, Mel. If i were you i doubt i would, either. so

Lindsay: she didn't say she didn't accept it.

Mel: All i'm saying is, we'll see. That's all.

Ted: I understand. Uh, would you excuse me? I just want to go use your bathroom.

(He goes away) Emmett: Do you have any idea how hard that was for him?

Lindsay: I know.I feel so bad for him.

Mel: Well, i don't. He's a fucking drug user.

Emmett: That is not true. He tried it once.

Mel: Come off it, emmett. For him to get to the poin where he'd actually steal our money

Emmett: he didn't steal it. He borrowed it. He was planning on putting it back.

Mel: And you believe him?

Emmett: Don't you? I thought you were his friends.

Linds: We are his friends!

Mel: Damn good friends.

Emmett: Then why can't you show him the teeniest, tiniest bit of compassion?

Linds: Mel!

Mel: Because he'd only abuse it and us.The same way he's abusing you.

Emmett: He is not abusing me.

Mel: And what do you call it?

Emmett: He is counting on me, to be there for him, to to believe in him. To help him put his life back in order.

Mel: Could you stop being a silly faggot and have some balls, for christ's sakes?

Emmett: Well, i may be a silly faggot but you know something, Mel? You're a cunt.


Michael and Ben ‘s: (in the hall)

Michael: Hey, hey, hey mmm hey, hey, hey, hey! Oh, i'm so hot. I could just go down on you right here.

Ben: Hey, don't won't i don't think mrs. Giannini would appreciate taking Tiberius for his stroll and seeing you giving me a blow job.

Michael: Then hurry up and open the fucking door.

Ben: Be patient. We got the place to ourselves all afternoon, okay?

(they’re going into their place)

Hunter: shit!

Man: What the fuck?

Hunter: I thought you were working.

Michael: We didn't know you'd be.

Ben (to the man)Get out of here, you sick fuck.

The man: I want my money back.

Michael: Here. You can put it towards your bail when i call the police and have you arrested for soliciting a minor!

Hunter: One more happy, satisfied customer, thanks to you!

Michael: We did not give you a key so that you could turn tricks in our home.

Hunter: You never said i couldn't.

Michael: Because we never thought you would.

Hunter: i need the money, okay?

Ben: For what?

Hunter: For when you get tired of doing your good deed and you kick me out.

Ben: Who said anything about kicking you out?

Michael: You pull another stunt like this and we will.

Ben: Look, if if this is some test to see how far you can go to provoke us so that we'll tell you to leave, it's not going to work. We want you here.

Hunter: So you can feel good about yourself. Well, fuck that shit! You can keep your damn key.


In the street: Hunter and young boys are making prostitution …

Wouldn't've done you anyway, motherfucker! Hey, how about a threesome, baby? Oh ho-ho. Check it out. There's my daddy. Whoo-hoo-hoo. Over here, bud.

Brian comes driving his car:

Hunter: Figured you'd come around eventually.

Brian: Get in.

Hunter: Thought you'd never ask. Sweet ride.

Brian: Thanks.

Hunter: So, you ready for a big night?

Brian: Yeah, how about you?

Hunter: I'm up for anything.

Brian: well then you better buckle up for safety.


In a drugstore:

Emmett: All right, we've got the fruit, and the vino. Now all we need is the cheese.

Vic: And a new oven. I thought you said you'd saved up enough.

Emmett: I miscalculated. I'm a bubblehead when it comes to math. I mean, if carlene dawes hadn't given me the answers to that quiz in fifth grade ah, fuck it.

Vic: we'll never be able to do everything we have to with the equipment you've got.

Emmett: I've never had any complaints about my equipment before.

Ted (to phone): Yeah? Oh, hi.

Vic: How's he doing?

Emmett: he's been through a lot, poor baby. But he's back now. That's all i care about.

Vic: Well, i'd keep an eye on him. Just in case.

Emmett: i'm getting a little sick of everyone telling me what i should do, and what they would do. So he went to a fucking circuit party, like every other faggot in the world. It's not like all of a sudden he's a crystal queen.

Vic: I'm just saying it may be awhile until he's himself again.

Emmett: Vic, can you handle the party tomorrow night?

Vic: You're not going to be there?

Emmett: Just this once. I'd like to take the night off, if that's all right with you.

Into a bar:

Brian: I thought you said he comes in here every night.

Hunter: He does.

Brian: Then where the fuck is he?

Hunter: How do i know? Maybe he got lucky. You could get lucky, too. I've got a tight ass and no gag reflex. What do you say?

Brian: I say we give it five more minutes, and then you can go ply your charms on that drooler at the end of the bar.

Hunter: How about i pay you?

Brian: You couldn't afford me.

Hunter: That's the guy.

Brian: Not exactly a beauty.

Hunter: You were expecting a playgirl centrefold?

Hunter: Want me to go with you?

Brian: No, just stay here and behave yourself. Don't talk to any strangers.

(Brian goes next the man)

Brian (to the man): Slim pickings here tonight. But then, i like them slim. How about you? You come here often? It's my first time.

(he looks at the tv) You know, i miss the good old days of politics, when we had real crooks and real liars: Nixon, Bush the first. Now all we have are these second-rate amateurs that can't even pull that off. Look at this clown. Clueless. He's a moron. Can barely put two words together so they show him playing basketball. That's supposed to qualify the jerk to run the city?

Man: He'll make a hell of a mayor. Brian: You say something?

Man: I said he'll make a hell of a mayor.

Brian: He hasn't made much of a police chief.

Man: What the hell do you know?

Brian: C'mon. Everybody knows this guy can be bough faster than a piece of chicken-to-go. Soon as his fatcat supporters put him in office, you can bet there won't be any more crime on the stree 'cause it'll all be in city hall.

Man: That's a goddamn lie. I worked with Jim for 15 years. I never saw him take a cent from anyone. There's no more honest guy.

Brian: Whatever you say. Say, you're not a cop, are you? 'Cause i'm just having a drink.

Man: You ask too many questions.

(Brian goes away from the man and next to Hunter)

Hunter: What happened? What did he say? Do you think he killed him?

Brian: You ask too many questions.


Police office

Carl: So maybe he knew him. So maybe he's a cop. So what?

Brian: So maybe it proves that the kid's telling the truth.

Carl: But what it doesn't prove is he picked up Jason Kemp, had sex with him, then murdered him.

Brian: Well, maybe if you talked to the guy.

Carl: Oh, what's his name?

Brian: Oh, i don't know. I didn't get his card.

Carl: What's he look like?

Brian: Somewhat bald, somewhat overweight, somewhat middle-aged.

Carl: You just described half the guys on the force.

Brian: Yeah, including you.

Carl: Look, i know what this is abou and it's not justice. You want to point a finger at an officer of the law to embarrass the chief. Don't expect any help from me.

Brian: Well, how about doing it for Debbie?

Carl: Leave her out of this.

Brian: So what is it going to take?

Carl: To reheat this case? A lot more than you brought me.

Brian: Such as?

Carl: Hard evidence. Something to link the suspect with the victim, to prove they were together. Brian: Dna?

Carl: Saliva, hair.

Brian: What? A condom full of jizz?

Carl: Sure, if you want to collect it.

Brian: Jesus.


In the street

Michael: Hey! Hey! Didn't you see me coming?

Hunter: Why do you think i was trying to get away? So what do you want?

Michael: You dropped this.

Hunter: I don't want it. I already told you, i'm not coming back.

Michael: Well, where do you plan to go?

Hunter: Maui, south of France. I haven't decided yet.

Michael: Well, until you do you're staying with us. Which means you're going to make your bed, you're going to pick up your shirt and if you ever bring home a trick again, i will kick your fucking ass!

Hunter: That's child abuse!

Michael: Report me.

Hunter: You're not my parents.

Michael: And you're not my son. But we're the ones who are giving you three squares and a roof over your head. So make sure you're back by midnight, and bolt the door.


Ted and Emmett’s

Ted: You didn't have to miss your party tonight.

Emmett: Vic can handle it.

Ted: You can still go if you want to.

Emmett:I'd rather be here with you.

Ted: I can't tell you how much it mean the way you stood up for me in front of Mel and Linz.

Emmett: I Couldn't believe the things they were saying. Some friends. From now on, this is a dykefree zone. Those two are "puss-ona non grata". Now since i have you all to myself why don't we make the most of it?

(In the bed)

Emmett: Teddy?

Ted: I'm sorry. It's all right. I've just got so much on my mind.

Emmett: All right, well here, relax. Roll over. I'll give you a massage. What's that?

Ted: Magic. Ta-da!

Emmett: I thought you said you were done with that.

Ted: I am. It's just a little souvenir from sunny palm springs. You ever try it?

Emmett: In my wayward youth. Didn't do much for me.

Ted: You must not have had the right stuff, 'cause i'm telling you, this stuff you can't believe it. I felt so good for once you know, all those voices that tell me that i'm shit, i'm nothing, i'm ugly, they were finally gone. I felt so hot, so sexy. The way Brian must feel all the time. Everybody wanted me, and i wanted them. I could fuck a roomful of guys and still want to fuck some more.

Emmett: Well, you don't need them now 'cause you've got me.

Ted: And when you come ah, it's like you come for hours. For days it's so oh-h. Come on Em, try it with me. Then you'll see what it's like. Yeah

Emmett: no

Ted: Then it will all make sense. Why we were born, why we were put here. To fuck and fuck and fuck.


Justin: Look at all these old guys.

Brian: it's sad, isn't it?

Justin: Yeah. Some of them are even older than you are. Ah, i guess at their age, if they want it, they got to pay for it.

Brian: Another reason to die young.

Justin: Or to accept the fact that youth and beauty are fleeting, that time will inevitably leave its mark and that we should accept our mortality with grace and dignity. Until then, i could really clean up in this place.

Brian: Just sit there and wait.

Justin: So what exactly do you want me to say to this guy?

Brian: Oh, be your natural self. Charm him with your witty repartee. "how'd you like to plough my smooth, tight ass?" and then, when he's busy slobbering down your neck, you discretely pocket his cigarette butt. You're gonna owe me a hundred blowjobs for this.

Hunter: Look who's here. Come to find me?

Brian: you're all i've been thinking about.

Hunter (to Justin): Fuck off. J

ustin: Excuse me?

Hunter: I said get lost. I saw him first.

Justin: Really?

Brian: Justin, this is Hunter. It's Michael and Ben's new foundling. They discovered him on their doorstep. Now, why don't you go play someplace else? We got work to do.

Hunter: If you want to hustle that cop, you should've asked me. At least i' m a professional.

Brian: We just need a little DNA.

Hunter: Nothing to it. I can do it!

Brian: I'm sure you can but you've already done enough, so why don't you scamper home? I'm sure your aunties are beside themselves.

Justin: Fucking teenagers. I don't know how anyone puts up with them.


Michael and Ben’s room:

Ben: You coming to bed?

Michael: In a while.

Ben: It's after midnight.

Michael: I know. I just thought i' d give him a few more minutes.

Ben: You know, you set a rule, you got to live by it, so does he.

Michael: What if he doesn't come back?

Ben: Come to bed.


In the street, the same night:

Hunter (to the man who has spoken with Brian) )No need checking it out.Nobody there.

The man: I'll take a look for myself.

Hunter: You won't do better there than what's right here. T

he man: You've never been interested in me before. Why tonight?

Hunter: Must be the moonlight. Fifty for a blow job. A hundred to fuck. T

he man: How much without a condom?

Hunter: I don't do that, but you won't be disappointed. I'll make sure of it.

(The man goes away with Hunter.)




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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !